Dr Vivi Arief
Lecturer in Biometry
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
+61 7 336 52046
Hartley Teakle Building (83), Room S502, St Lucia Campus

Researcher Biography
Vivi Arief awarded a PhD in plant breeding and quantitative genetics from University of Queensland in 2011. She then continues as a postgraduate in School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, University of Queensland. Her areas of interest include analysis and interpretation of data from large-scale plant breeding experiments, application of pattern analysis (i.e. clustering and ordination procedures) for plant breeding data, genome-wide association analysis using plant breeding data, application of genomic selection in plant breeding, and QU-GENE simulation for plant breeding.
Book Chapter
Arief, Vivi N., DeLacy, Ian H. and Basford, Kaye E. (2020). Design and analysis of multi-year field trials for annual crops. Quantitative genetics, genomics and plant breeding. (pp. 178-193) Wallingford, United Kingdom: CABI. doi: 10.1079/9781789240214.0178
Journal Articles
Chiaravallotti, Isabella, Lin, Jennifer, Arief, Vivi, Jahufer, Zulfi, Osorno, Juan M., McClean, Phil, Jarquin, Diego and Hoyos-Villegas, Valerio (2024). Simulations of multiple breeding strategy scenarios in common bean for assessing genomic selection accuracy and model updating. Plant Genome, 17 (1) e20388. doi: 10.1002/tpg2.20388
Lin, Jennifer, Arief, Vivi, Jahufer, Zulfi, Osorno, Juan, McClean, Phil, Jarquin, Diego and Hoyos-Villegas, Valerio (2023). Simulations of rate of genetic gain in dry bean breeding programs. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 136 (1) 14, 1-22. doi: 10.1007/s00122-023-04244-x
Brown, Christopher W., Jie, Marcus Wee Qi, Pearce, William, Arief, Vivi, Dayananda, Buddhi, Lambrides, Christopher J. and Grof, Christopher P. L. (2023). The application of Fourier Transform Infra-Red spectrometry to assess the impact of changes in photosynthetic photon flux on cell wall components and turf quality of different cultivars of Cynodon grasses. Grass Research, 3 (9) 9. doi: 10.48130/gr-2023-0009
Arief, Vivi N., DeLacy, Ian H., Payne, Thomas and Basford, Kaye E. (2022). Visualising the pattern of long‐term genotype performance by leveraging a genomic prediction model. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 64 (2), 297-312. doi: 10.1111/anzs.12362
Jahufer, M. Z. Z., Arojju, Sai Krishna, Faville, Marty J., Ghamkhar, Kioumars, Arief, Vivi, Yang, Wen-Hsi, Luo, Dongwen, Sun, Mingzhu, DeLacy, Ian H., Griffiths, Andrew G., Eady, Colin, Clayton, Will, Stewart, Alan V., George, Richard M., Hoyos-Villegas, Valerio, Basford, Kaye E. and Barrett, Brent (2021). Deterministic and stochastic modelling of impacts from genomic selection and phenomics on genetic gain for perennial ryegrass dry matter yield. Scientific Reports, 11 (1) 13265, 1-18. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-92537-w
Ratnasiri, Anura W. G., Lakshminrusimha, Satyan, Dieckmann, Ronald A., Lee, Henry C., Gould, Jeffrey B., Parry, Steven S., Arief, Vivi N., DeLacy, Ian H., DiLibero, Ralph J. and Basford, Kaye E. (2020). Maternal and infant predictors of infant mortality in California, 2007–2015. PloS One, 15 (8) e0236877, e0236877. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0236877
Ratnasiri, Anura W. G., Gordon, Lauren, Dieckmann, Ronald A., Lee, Henry C., Parry, Steven S., Arief, Vivi N., DeLacy, Ian H., Lakshminrusimha, Satyan, DiLibero, Ralph J. and Basford, Kaye E. (2020). Smoking during pregnancy and adverse birth and maternal outcomes in California, 2007 to 2016. American Journal of Perinatology, 37 (13), 1364-1376. doi: 10.1055/s-0039-1693689
Ali, Mohsin, Zhang, Luyan, DeLacy, Ian, Arief, Vivi, Dieters, Mark, Pfeiffer, Wolfgang H., Wang, Jiankang and Li, Huihui (2020). Modeling and simulation of recurrent phenotypic and genomic selections in plant breeding under the presence of epistasis. Crop Journal, 8 (5), 866-877. doi: 10.1016/j.cj.2020.04.002
Ratnasiri, Anura W. G., Lee, Henry C., Lakshminrusimha, Satyan, Parry, Steven S., Arief, Vivi N., DeLacy, Ian H., Yang, Jo-Shing, DiLibero, Ralph J., Logan, Julia and Basford, Kaye E. (2019). Trends in maternal prepregnancy body mass index (BMI) and its association with birth and maternal outcomes in California, 2007–2016: a retrospective cohort study. PLoS ONE, 14 (9) e0222458, e0222458. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0222458
Alsamir, Muhammed, Ahmad, Nabil, Arief, Vivi, Mahmood, Tariq and Trethowan, Richard (2019). Phenotypic diversity and marker-trait association studies under heat stress in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Australian Journal of Crop Science, 13 (4), 578-587. doi: 10.21475/ajcs.19.13.04.p1581
Arief, Vivi N., Desmae, Haile, Hardner, Craig, DeLacy, Ian H., Gilmour, Arthur, Bull, Jason K. and Basford, Kaye E. (2019). Utilization of multiyear plant breeding data to better predict genotype performance. Crop Science, 59 (2), 480-490. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2018.03.0182
Hoyos-Villegas, Valerio, Arief, Vivi N, Yang, Wen-Hsi, Sun, Mingzhu, DeLacy, Ian H, Barrett, Brent A, Jahufer, Zulfi and Basford, Kaye E (2019). QuLinePlus: extending plant breeding strategy and genetic model simulation to cross-pollinated populations—case studies in forage breeding. Heredity, 122 (5), 684-695. doi: 10.1038/s41437-018-0156-0
Ratnasiri, Anura W.G., Parry, Steven S., Arief, Vivi N., DeLacy, Ian H., Lakshminrusimha, Satyan, Halliday, Laura A., DiLibero, Ralph J. and Basford, Kaye E. (2018). Temporal trends, patterns, and predictors of preterm birth in California from 2007 to 2016, based on the obstetric estimate of gestational age. Maternal Health, Neonatology and Perinatology, 4 (1) 25, 25. doi: 10.1186/s40748-018-0094-0
Ratnasiri, Anura W. G., Parry, Steven S., Arief, Vivi N., DeLacy, Ian H., Halliday, Laura A., DiLibero, Ralph J. and Basford, Kaye E. (2018). Recent trends, risk factors, and disparities in low birth weight in California, 2005-2014: a retrospective study. Maternal Health, Neonatology and Perinatology, 4 (1) 15, 15. doi: 10.1186/s40748-018-0084-2
Arief, Vivi Noviati, DeLacy, I. H., Basford, K. E. and Dieters, M. J. (2017). Application of a dendrogram seriation algorithm to extract pattern from plant breeding data. Euphytica, 213 (4) 85. doi: 10.1007/s10681-017-1870-z
Ceron-Rojas, J. Jesus, Crossa, Jose, Arief, Vivi N., Basford, Kaye, Rutkoski, Jessica, Jarquin, Diego, Alvarado, Gregorio, Beyene, Yoseph, Semagn, Kassa and DeLacy, Ian (2015). A genomic selection index applied to simulated and real data. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 5 (10), 2155-2164. doi: 10.1534/g3.115.019869
Arief, Vivi N., DeLacy, Ian H., Crossa, Jose, Payne, Thomas, Singh, Ravi, Braun, Hans-J., Tian, Ting, Basford, Kaye E. and Dieters, Mark J. (2015). Evaluating testing strategies for plant breeding field trials: redesigning a CIMMYT international wheat nursery. Crop Science, 55 (1), 164-177. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2014.06.0415
Bansal, Urmil K., Arief, Vivi N., DeLacy, Ian H. and Bariana, Harbans S. (2013). Exploring wheat landraces for rust resistance using a single marker scan. Euphytica, 194 (2), 219-233. doi: 10.1007/s10681-013-0940-0
Arief, Vivi N., DeLacy, Ian H., Wenzl, Peter, Dreisigacker, Susanne, Crossa, Jose, Dieters, Mark J. and Basford, Kaye E. (2013). Using molecular marker order to compare genetic structure in plant populations undergoing selection. Journal of Environmental Statistics, 4 (4).
Hickey, L.T., Lawson, W., Arief, V.N., Fox, G., Franckowiak, J. and Dieters, M.J. (2012). Grain dormancy QTL identified in a doubled haploid barley population derived from two non-dormant parents. Euphytica, 188 (1), 133-122. doi: 10.1007/s10681-011-0577-9
Hickey, Lee T., Lawson, Wendy, Platz, Greg J., Fowler, Ryan A., Arief, Vivi, Dieters, Mark, German, Silvia, Fletcher, Susan, Park, Robert F., Singh, Davinder, Pereyra, Silvia and Franckowiak, Jerome (2012). Mapping quantitative trait loci for partial resistance to powdery mildew in an Australian barley population. Crop Science, 52 (3), 1021-1032. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2011.10.0535
Dreisigacker, Susanne, Shewayrga, Hailemichael, Crossa, Jose, Arief, Vivi N, DeLacy, Ian H., Singh, Ravi P., Dieters, Mark J. and Braun, Hans-Joachim (2012). Genetic structures of the CIMMYT international yield trial targeted to irrigation environments. Molecular Breeding, 29 (2), 529-541. doi: 10.1007/s11032-011-9569-7
Sun, Yue, Godwin, Ian D., Arief, Vivi N., Delacy, Ian H., Jackway, Paul T. and Lambrides, Christopher J. (2012). Factors controlling self-fertility in sunflower: The role of GCA/SCA effects, S alleles, and floret characteristics. Crop Science, 52 (1), 128-135. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2011.04.0188
Hickey, L. T., Lawson, W., Platz, G. J., Dieters, M., Arief, V. N., Germán, S., Fletcher, S., Park, R. F., Singh, D., Pereyra, S. and Franckowiak, J. (2011). Mapping Rph20: A gene conferring adult plant resistance to Puccinia hordei in barley. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 123 (1), 55-68. doi: 10.1007/s00122-011-1566-z
Crossa, J, de los Campos, G, Perez, P, Gianola, D, Burgueno, J, Araus, JL, Makumbi, D, Singh, RP, Dreisigacker, S, Yan, JB, Arief, V, Banziger, M and Braun, HJ (2010). Prediction of genetic values of quantitative traits in plant breeding using pedigree and molecular markers. Genetics, 186 (2), 713-724. doi: 10.1534/genetics.110.118521
Niu, Na, Arief, Vivi N., DeLacy, Ian H., Lush, Douglas, Sheppard, John, Zhang, Gaisheng and Dieters, Mark J. (2010). Genetic gain in yield and protein over two cycles of a wheat recurrent selection program. Breeding Science, 60 (3), 181-186. doi: 10.1270/jsbbs.60.181
Arief, V. N., Kroonenberg, P. M., DeLacy, I. H., Dieters, M. J., Crossa, J., Dreisigacker, S., Braun, H. -J. and Basford, K. E. (2010). Construction and three-way ordination of the Wheat Phenome Atlas. Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 5 (1), 95-118.
Conference Papers
Fernandez, Javier A., Hu, Pengcheng, Arief, Vivi, Gho, Carla, Ramakers, Jip, Hemerik, Jesse, Boer, Martin, van Eeuwijk, Fred and Chapman, Scott (2024). Multivariate characterisation of envirotypes for wheat G×E in Australian Variety Trials. GxExM Symposium III, Wageningen, Netherlands, 30-31 October 2024.
Fernandez, Javier A., Arief, Vivi, Hu, Pengcheng, Zheng, Bangyou, Gho, Carla, Ramakers, Jip, Boer, Martin, van Eeuwijk, Fred and Chapman, Scott (2024). Environment characterisation of wheat national variety trials in Australia. 3rd International Wheat Congress, Perth, WA, Australia, 22-27 September 2024.
Zhong, Yayue, Singh, Vijaya, Dieters, Mark, Basford, Kaye, Chauhan, Yash, Hunter, Malcolm and Arief, Vivi (2024). Evaluating water use efficiency and shoot-root traits in Australian mungbean cultivars under different levels of water availability. 11th International Conference on Legume Genetics and Genomics (ICLGG), Brisbane, QLD Australia, 30 September - 3 October 2024.
Ramakers, Jip, Hemerik, Jesse, Boer, Martin, Bustos-Korts, Daniela, Fernandez, Javier A., Pengcheng Hu, Noviati, Vivi, Chapman, Scott and van Eeuwijk, Fred (2023). Predicting yield in multi-environment breeding trials using penalized regression and multiple-covariate random-regression models. Channel Network Conference 2023, Wageningen, Netherlands, 23-25 August 2023.
Fernandez, Javier A., Garba, Ismail, Hu, Pengcheng, Segura Pinzon, Camilo, Arief, Vivi, Gho, Carla, Ramakers, Jip, Hemerik, Jesse, Zheng, Bangyou, van Eeuwijk, Fred and Chapman, Scott C. (2023). Environment characterisation of sorghum GxE in Australia: Integrating APSIM and satellite imagery in NVT case study. AuSoRGM, Toowoomba, QLD, Australia, 8-9 August 2023.
Javier A. Fernandez, Hu, Pengcheng, Chen, Zhi, Gho Brito, Carla, Segura Pinzon, Camilo, Chen, Qiaomin, Smith, Daniel, Arief, Vivi, Zheng, Bangyou, Potgieter, Andries, Zhao, Yan, Ramakers, Jip, Hemerik, Jesse, van Eeuwijk, Fred and Chapman, Scott C. (2023). Environment characterisation of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) crops using climate, satellite imagery, and crop simulation modelling in Australia. Global Sorghum Conference, Montpellier, France, 5-9 June 2023.
Zhang, Min, Basford, Kaye, Arief, Vivi, McLachlan, Geoff and Nguyen, Quan (2023). Using cellular composition estimated from bulk RNA-seq data to suggest cellular level markers for melanoma survival. IBS-AR/SEEM Conference, Bay of Islands, Aotearoa, New Zealand, 27 November - 1 December 2023.
Zhang, Min, Arief, Vivi, McLachlan, Geoffrey, Nguyen, Quan and Basford, Kaye (2022). Exploratory data analysis of TCGA skin cutaneous melanoma RNA-seq data. Australasian Applied Statistics Conference (AASC), Inverloch, VIC Australia, 28 November - 2 December 2022.
Ramakers, Jip, Bustos-Korts, Daniela, Hemerik, Jesse, Boer, Martin, Grunefeld, Swaantje, Hu, Pengcheng, Arief, Vivi, van Eeuwijk, Fred and Chapman, Scott (2022). Analysis of longitudinal, image-based canopy cover estimates as a quality indicator in wheat variety trials. XVIIIth Eucarpia Biometrics in Plant Breeding Conference, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 21-23 September 2022.
Chapman, Scott, Noviati, Vivi, Hu, Pengcheng, McLaren, Connar, Smith, Daniel, Choudhury, Malini, Chen, Zhi, Grunfeld, Swaantje, Zheng, Bangyou, van Eeuwijk, Fred, Bustos-Korts, Daniela, Boer, Martin, Hemerik, Jesse and Ramakers, Jip (2022). Integration of data across scales to predict genotype performance in National Variety Trials. Australasian Plant Breeding Conference, Gold Coast, QLD Australia, 9-11 May 2022.
Lin, Jennifer, Hoyos-Villegas, Valerio and Arief, Vivi N. (2022). Plant breeding simulation studies in the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Plant and Animal Genome, San Diego, CA USA, 8-12 January 2022.
Lambrides, Christopher , Liddle, Willow , Tabah, David , Hardner, Craig and Arief, Vivi (2022). Genomic Selection to improve quantitative resistance to Blackleg (Leptosphaeria maculans ) in Canola (Brassica napus ). Australasian Plant Breeding Conference, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, 9-11 May 2022.
Arief, Vivi , Mellor, Vincent and Dieters, Mark (2022). Incorporating individual with missing pedigree information in a pedigree-genomic relationship matrix. Australasian Plant Breeding Conference, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, 9-11 May 2022.
Zhong, Yayue , Arief, Vivi N. and Dieters, Mark (2022). Screening of crown rot resistance in durum wheat. Australasian Plant Breeding Conference, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, 9-11 May 2022.
van Herwaarden, Anthony , Bennett, Rick , Potter, Trent , Lambrides, Christopher , Gororo, Nelson , Krakowski, Hank , Arief, Vivi , Leveque, Winslow and Salisbury, Pillip (2022). Carinata (Brassica carinata) multi-purpose crop for the future: fumigation, feed, food and fuel. Australasian Plant Breeding Conference, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, 9-11 May 2022.
Lambrides, Christopher , Basford, Kaye , DeLacy, Ian , Cooper, Mark , Hardner, Craig , Godwin, Ian , Dieters, Mark and Arief, Vivi (2022). The pursuit of excellence; some reflections after 50+ years of plant breeding at The University of Queensland (9771). Australasian Plant Breeding Conference, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, 9-11 May 2022.
Waken, Philmah, Arief, Vivi and Dieters, Mark (2022). Amaranthus diversity in Papua New Guinea. TropAg Conference, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 31 October - 2 November 2022.
Zhong, Yayue, Hunter, Malcolm, Singh, Vijaya, Dieters, Mark, Basford, Kaye, Chauhan, Yash and Arief, Vivi (2022). Constant water table rainproof pot system: An effective outdoor method to measure water use efficiency. TropAg Conference, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 31 October - 2 November 2022.
Chisaka, Arisede, Arief, Vivi, Tarekegne, Amsal and Dieters, Mark (2020). Identification of new single cross testers for CIMMYT heterotic group B maize germplasm adapted to mid-altitudes. The Third International Tropical Agriculture Conference TropAg 2019 , Brisbane, QLD Australia, 11-13 November 2019. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI. doi: 10.3390/proceedings2019036218
Rouholamin, Sepideh, Arief, Vivi, Delacy, Ian and Basford, Kaye (2020). Pedigree Data Analysis of a Wheat Population. TropAg 2019, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 11-13 November 2019. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI. doi: 10.3390/proceedings2019036148
Arief, Vivi N., Yang, Wen-Hsi , DeLacy, Ian H., Arojju, Sai Krishna , Jahufer, Zulfi and Basford, Kaye E. (2020). QuLinePlus: A Versatile Module of QU-GENE for Plant Breeding Simulation. Plant and Animal Genome, San Diego, CA, United States, 11-15 January 2020.
Shewayrga, H., Arief, V. N., Hardner, C. M., DeLacy, I. H. and Basford, K. E. (2016). Spatial analysis for trials with limited replication. Australasian Applied Statistical Conference, Bermagui, NSW, Australia, 28 November - 2 December 2016.
Arief, V., DeLacy, I., Dieters, M. and Basford, K. (2016). The value of long-term multi-year multi-location trial data to evaluate risk in prediction of early cultivar performance. 5th International Conference on Quantitative Genetics, Madison, WI, United States, 12-17 June 2016.
Fillols, Emilie, Arief, Vivi and Staier, Tim (2015). Factor affecting the distribution of the vine species in sugarcane: results of GIS surveys in Central Queensland. 37th Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, Bundaberg, QLD, Australia, 28 - 30 April 2015.
Arief, Vivi N., DeLacy, Ian H., Dieters, Mark J. and Basford, Kaye E. (2014). Application of marker-trait association profiles in simulating plant breeding strategies. 15th Australasian Plant Breeding Conference, St Kilda, Victoria, Australia, 26-29 October 2014.
DeLacy, Ian, Hickey, Lee, Arief, Vivi and Dieters, Mark J. (2014). Comparing speed breeding protocols using QU-GENE simulation. 15th Australasian Plant Breeding Conference, St Kilda, Victoria, Australia, 26-29 October 2014.
Arief, Vivi, DeLacy, Ian, Tian, Ting, Crossa, Jose, Braun, Hans-J., Basford, Kaye and Dieters, Mark (2013). Evaluation of two-times testing for CIMMYT's international wheat nurseries. WBA Brisbane 2013: Wheat Breeding Assembly, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 16-19 July, 2013. Brisbane, QLD, Australia:
Desmae, Haile, DeLacy, Ian, Arief, Vivi and Basford, Kaye (2013). Three interpretations of line-mean heritability calculated from plant breeding field trials. WBA Brisbane 2013: Wheat Breeding Assembly, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 16-19 July, 2013. Brisbane, QLD, Australia:
Arief, Vivi, DeLacy, Ian, Basford, Kaye and Dieters, Mark (2012). Optimised dendrogram: extracting population information using seriation to enhance hierarchical clustering. 4th International Conference on Quantitative Genetics, Edinburgh, Scotland, 17-22 June 2012.
DeLacy, I. H., Arief, V. N. and Basford, K. E. (2011). Status Analysis: projecting genotype performance into long-term environment discrimination space. Australasian Applied Statistical Conference, Cairns, Australia, 11-15 July 2011.
Moody, D. B., Tait, S., Steadman, J. F., Panozzo, J. F., Walker, C., Hayden, M. J., Forrest, K L., Arief, V. N., Dieters, M.J. and Delacy, I.H. (2011). The challenge of breeding for grain plumpness in malting barley. Proceedings of the 15th Australian Barley Technical Symposium, Adelaide, 18-21 September.
Arief, V. N., DeLacy, I. H., Wenzl, P., Basford, K. E., Driesigacker, S., Crossa, J. and Dieters, M. J. (2011). Relationships among markers based on haplotype combinations in populations of related homozygous genotypes. Wheat Breeding Assembly, Perth, Australia, 24 - 26 August 2011.
Hickey, L., Lawson, W., Platz, G., Dieters, M, Arief, V., Germán, S., Fletcher, S., Park, R., Singh, D., Pereyra, S. and Franckowiak, J. (2011). Mapping RPH: A gene conferring adult plant resistance to leaf rust in barley. Australian Barley Technical Symposium (15th, ABTS, 2011), Adelaide, Australia, 18-21 September 2011. Sydney, Australia: Australian Barley Technical Symposium.
DeLacy, I. H., Arief, V. N., Payne, T., Braun, H.-J. and Basford, K. E. (2011). Extending status analysis to project genotype performance into long-term environment discrimination space –an example. Wheat Breeding Assembly, Perth AUSTRALIA, 24 - 26 August 2011.
Hickey, L., Lawson, W., Arief, V., Dieters, M, Fox, G. and Franckowiak, J. (2011). Identification of grain dormancy QTL in a barley doubled haploid population derived from non-dormant parents.. 12th International Symposium on Pre-harvest Sprouting, Red Deer Canada, 24-27 July.
Arief, V. N., Kroonenberg, P. M., DeLacy, I. H., Dieters, M. J., Crossa, J. and Basford, K. E. (2010). Construction and three-way ordination of the Wheat Phenome Atlas. Tenth Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences (ICCS-X), Cairo, Egypt, 20-23 December 2010. Lahor, Pakistan: The Islamic Countries Society of Statistical Sciences (ISOSS).
Arief, Vivi N., DeLacy, Ian H., Crossa, Jose, Dieters, Mark J. and Basford, Kaye E. (2010). The use of pedigree, molecular marker and phenotypic data to investigate population structures in 25 years of the CIMMYT global wheat breeding program. 8th International Wheat Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1-4 June 2010. St. Petersburg, Russia: N.I. Vavilov Research Institute of Plant Industry (VIR).
Bansal, Urmil K., Arief, Vivi, Miah, Hanif, DeLacy, Ian H. and Bariana, Harbans S. (2010). Association mapping of rust resistance in pre-green revolution wheat accessions. Borlaug Global Rust Initiative 2010 Technical Workshops, St. Petersburg, Russia, 30-31 May 2010.
Arief, Vivi N., DeLacy, Ian H., Crossa, Jose, Dieters, Mark J. and Basford, Kaye E. (2010). The use of pedigree, molecular marker and phenotypic data to investigate population structures in 25 years of the CIMMYT global wheat breeding program. Eighth International Wheat Conference, St Petersburg, Russia, 1 - 4 June 2010. St. Petersburg, Russia: Vavilov Research Institute of Plant Industry.
Arief, Vivi N., Kroonenberg, Pieter M., DeLacy, Ian H., Dieters, Mark J., Crossa, Jose, Dreisigacker, Susanne, Braun, Hans-J. and Basford, Kaye E. (2010). Three-way ordination of rust GWAS using 25 years of one of CIMMYT global wheat breeding programs. Borlaug Global Rust Initiative 2010 Technical Workshops, St. Petersburg, Russia, 30-31 May 2010.
Arief, Vivi N., Kroonenberg, Pieter M., DeLacy, Ian H., Dieters, Mark J., Crossa, Jose and Basford, Kaye E. (2009). An application of wheat phenome atlas using three-way principal component analysis. OECD Genome Association Oz09, Perth, Australia, 9-12 November 2009.
Loch, Donald S., Roche, Matthew B., Sun-Yue, Jenny, Arief, Vivi N., Delacy, Ian H. and Lambrides, Christopher J. (2009). Characterization of commercial cultivars and naturalized genotypes of Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walter) Kuntze in Australia. 11th ITRC: 2009 International Turfgrass Research Conference, Santiago, Chile, 26-31 July 2009. Overland Park, KS, U.S.A.: Intertec Publishing.
Niu, N., Arief, V. N., Delacy, I. H., Lush, D., Dieters, M. J. and Zhang, G. S. (2009). Genetic gain in yield and protein over two cycles of recurrent selection program. 14th Australasian Plant Breeding and 11th SABRAO Conference, Cairns, Australia, 10–14 August 2009. Bangkok, Thailand: Society for the Advancement of Breeding Researches in Asia and Oceania.
V.N. Arief, I.H. Delacy, P. Wenzl and M.J. Dieters (2009). Genetic disequilibrium mapping using high-throughput data from a plant breeding program. 14th Australasian Plant Breeding Conference and 11th SABRAO, Cairns, Australia, 14-18 August 2009. Bangkok, Thailand: Society for the Advancement of Breeding Researches in Asia and Oceania.
Arief, V. N., Delacy, I. H., Dieters, M. J., Crossa, J., Dreisigacker, S. and Basford, K. E. (2009). Pattern analysis of marker-trait association profiles derived from 25 years of international wheat performance trials. 14th Australasian Plant Breeding Conference (APBC) and the 11th Congress of the Society for the Advancement of Breeding Research in Asia and Oceania (SABRAO). Contemporary Crop Improvement: A Tropical View, Cairns, Australia, 10-14 August 2009. Bangkok, Thailand: Society for Advancement of Breeding Research in Asia and Oceania.
Arief, V. N., Delacy, I. H., Crossa, J., Kroonenberg, P. M., Dieters, M. J. and Basford, K. E. (2009). Ordination of marker-trait association profiles from long-term international wheat trials. Biometrics 2009: Biometrics on the Lake. The International Biometric Society Australasian Region Conference, Taupo, New Zealand, 29 November-3 December 2009. International Biometric Society Australasian Region (IBS AR).
DeLacy, Ian H., Arief, Vivi N., Dieters, Mark J., Crossa, Jose, Godwin, Ian, Batley, Jacqueline, Davenport, Guy, Dreisiqacker, Susane, Edwards, Dave, Huttner, Eric, Lambrides, Christopher, Manes, Yan, Payne, Thomas, Singh, Ravi P., Warburton, Marilyn, Wenzl, Peter, William, Manilal, Kilian, Andrzej, McLaren, Graham, Crouch, Jonathan and Basford, Kaye E. (2008). A comparison of three genotype structures for 686 lines derived from pedigrees (COP), 1400 DArT markers and 420,000 data points from 25 Years of CIMMYT international bread wheat trials. Plant and Animal Genome XVI Conference, San Diego, CA, U.S.A., 12-16 January 2008.
Godwin, Ian D., DeLacy, Ian H., Arief, Vivi N., Dieters, Mark J., Lambrides, Christopher J., Basford, Kaye E., Crossa, Jose, Dreisigacker, Susanne, Kilian, Andrzej, Huttner, Eric, Crouch, Jonathan and McLaren, Graham (2008). Developing the wheat phenome atlas: Integrating 25 years of international wheat phenotypic data with genome analysis. 5th International Crop Science Conferences, Jeju, South Korea, 13-18 April, 2008.
DeLacy, Ian H., Dieters, Mark J., Crossa, Jose, Godwin, Ian D., Arief, Vivi N., Batley, Jacqueline, Davenport, Guy, Dreisigacker, Susanne, Edwards, David, Huttner, Eric, Lambrides, Christopher J., Manes, Yann, Payne, Thomas, Singh, Ravi P., Duvieller, Etienne, Warburton, Marilyn, Wenzl, Peter, Kilian, Andrzej, McLaren, Graham, Braun, Hans-J., Crouch, Jonathan, Ortiz, Rodomiro and Basford, Kaye E. (2008). Towards a wheat phenome atlas and a phenome atlas toolbox: What are they? What progress?. 11th International Wheat Genetics Symposium, Brisbane, Queensland, 24-29 August 2008. Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press.
Arief, Vivi N., DeLacy, Ian H., Dieters, Mark J., Crossa, Jose, Godwin, Ian D., Batley, Jacqueline, Davenport, Guy, Dreisigacker, Susanne, Duvieller, Etienne, Edwards, D., Huttner, E., Lambrides, C., Manes, Y., Payne, T., Singh, R. P., Warburton, Marilyn, Wenzl, Peter, Kilian, Andrzej, McLaren, Graham, Braun, Hans-J., Crouch, Jonathan, Ortiz, Rodomiro and Basford, Kaye E. (2008). Marker/trait associations identified in spring wheat using 25 years of CIMMYT International Trials. 11th International Wheat Genetics Symposium, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 24-29 August 2008. Sydney, NSW Australia: Sydney University Press.
Arief, Vivi N., DeLacy, Ian H., Dieters, Mark J., Crossa, Jose, Godwin, Ian, Batley, Jacqueline, Davenport, Guy, Dreisiqacker, Susane, Edwards, Dave, Huttner, Eric, Lambrides, Christopher, Manes, Yan, Payne, Thomas, Singh, Ravi P., Warburton, Marilyn, Wenzl, Peter, Williams, Manila, Kilian, Andrezj, McLaren, Graham, Crouch, Jonathan and Basford, Kaye E. (2008). Association between phenotype and DArT markers in spring wheat using 25 years Of CIMMYT international field trial data. Plant & Animal Genomes XVI Conference, San Diego, USA, 12-16 January 2008.
Dreisigacker, S., Arief, V. N., DeLacy, I. H., Davenport, G., Manes, Y., Reynolds, M. P., Singh, R. P., Dieters, M. J. and Crossa, J. (2008). Patterns of linkage disequilibrium in multiple populations. 11th International Wheat Genetics Symposium, Brisbane, Queensland, 24-29 August, 2008. Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press.
Arief, V. N., Dieters, M. J, . and DeLacy, I. H. (2006). Comparision of cycle 0 in two recurrent selection programs in bread wheat for the northern region of Australia. Breeding for Success: Diversity in Action, Christchurch, New Zealand, 18-21 Apr 2006. Dunedin, New Zealand: NZ Grassland Association.
Vivi Arief (2010). Methodology Development to Integrate Phenotypic and Genotypic Data from a Plant Breeding Program through Association Analysis with a Case Study Using Data from the CIMMYT International Spring Wheat Field Trials. PhD Thesis, School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, The University of Queensland.