Since 1989, the China Agricultural Economics Group (CAEG) has conducted a continuous stream of agricultural research and development projects.
China-Australia agriculture trade and relations
Our research provides in-depth and up-to-date insights into policy, institutional and market developments in China’s agricultural sector and the implications for trade, investment and relations for Australian and international interests.
CAEG is currently conducting the project “Informed engagement between the Australian and Chinese agricultural sectors” funded by the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations (DFAT)
Recent outputs on China-Australia trade and relations include:
- Long-form analyses on the drivers of China’s barriers of Australian exports and adaption by affected Australian industries.
- Short-form articles on the drivers of China’s barriers on Australian barley and wine
- Briefings for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Austrade, the Australia China Business Council, the Department of Defence, the Department of Home Affairs, The Asia Society, the Queensland Rural Press Club, the Australian Centre for International Trade and Investment and CLSA and other government, business and academic forums
Past projects
- 2016-20: Developing profitable dairy and sheep meat production systems in central Tibet (ACIAR)
- 2015-19: Payments for environmental services in grasslands in China and Mongolia (ACIAR)
- 2014-17: Developing a trade model and information network for the cattle and beef trade sector of South East Asia and China (ACIAR)
- 2011-14: Improving the mineral nutrition of Tibetan livestock (ACIAR)
- 2008-12: Integrated crop and dairy systems in Tibet Autonomous Region, PR China (ACIAR)
- 2008-13. Improving farmer livelihoods through efficient use of resources in crop-livestock farming systems in western China (ACIAR)
- Improving the Chinese wool marketing system to increase returns to households in the Western pastoral region (AWI/DFAT)
- 2005-08: Sustainable development of grasslands in western China (ACIAR)
- 1997-99, 2006-07: Analysis of agribusiness and policy developments in China’s sheep meat industry of relevance to the Australian industry (MLA)
- 2000-04: Chinese Wool Textile Mills: Economic Analysis of Fibre-Input/Textile Product Selection and New Processing Technologies (ACIAR)
- 1997-2000: Analysis of socio-economic developments in the Chinese cattle and beef industry (ACIAR)
- 1997-2000: Analysis of agribusiness developments in the Chinese cattle and beef industry (MLA)
- 1989-94: Economic Aspects of Raw Wool Production and Marketing in China