Amit Khanal
PHD candidate
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
Building 8117, Room 217, Gatton campus

- M.Sc. Ag (Horticulture) -Tribhuvan University, Nepal - 2013
- Ag - Tribhuvan University, Nepal - 2010
- MISHRA, P. & KHANAL, A. 2019. Vaselife analysis of gladiolus using different vase solutions. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 21, 1749-1754.
- CHHETRI, L. B., POUDEL, P. R., KHANAL, A. & KANDEL, B. P. 2019. Effect of integrated plant nutrient management system in quality of mandarin orange (Citrus reticulata Blanco). Jurnal Agercolere, 1, 19-24.
- THAPA, N., PANTA, R. & KHANAL, A. 2019. Effect of modified atmosphere packaging on postharvest quality of broad leaf mustard (BLM) under different storage condition. Horticult Int J, 3, 224-228.
- THAKULLA, D., KHANAL, A. & BHATTA, L. 2018. Adaptability of exotic variety of carnation (Dianthus Caryophyllus var. Chabaud) under different doses of nitrogen. Int. J. Hort. Agric, 3, 1-3.
- PANTA, R. & KHANAL, A. 2018. Effect of Modified Atmospheric Packaging on Postharvest Storage Life of Cilantro (Coriandrum sativum L.) Stored Under Different Conditions. J Hortic, 5, 2376-0354.1000243.
- KHANAL, A., KHANAL, A., POUDEL, S., POKHAREL, S. & SAPKOTA, B. 2018. Postharvest Quality and Longevity of Gerbera Varieties as Affected by Different Floral Preservatives. Research & Reviews: Journal of Botany, 7.
- SHARMA, A., KHANAL, A. & DHITAL, B. 2018. Effect of gibberellic acid on post-harvest shelf-life and quality of tomato. Journal of Postharvest Technology, 6, 82-90.
- JAISHI, M., KAFLE, K., SUBEDI, R., KHANAL, A., POUDEL, A. & PAUDEL, R. 2018. Developing Tools for Measuring Perception on Climate Change and its Impact on Insect-Pests of Major Staple Food Crops. Journal of the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, 35, 29-38.
- CHAPAGAIN, A. & KHANAL, A. 2018. Impact of Initial Environmental Conditions on Germination, Growth, and Development of Cucumis Sativus at Lamjung. Journal of the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, 35, 211-216.
- POUDYAL, K., JOSHI, B. K., GAUCHAN, D., SAPKOTA, S., GHIMIRE, H. K., ACHARYA, A., YADAV, R., SHARMA, S., DANGOL, D. M. S., ADHIKARI, N. R. & KHANAL, A. 2017. Assessment of the Impact of 2015 Earthquake in Cereal Crop Diversity in the selected Mountainous Districts of Nepal. Proceedings of Sharingshop on Germplasm Rescue, Kathmandu, Nepal. NAGRC, BI and Crop Trust; Nepal.
- ADHIKARI, P., KHANAL, A. & SUBEDI, R. 2016. Effect of different sources of organic manure on growth and yield of sweet pepper. Advances in Plants and Agriculture Research, 3, 158-161.
- KHANAL, A. 2015. Effect of Nitrogen and Boron in Seed Yield and Yield Attributing Characters of Broccoli. International Journal of Applied Sciences and Biotechnology, 3, 541-544.
- KHANAL, A., SHAKYA, S., SRIVASTAVA, A. & SHA, S. 2014. Seed Yield and Quality of Broccoli as Affected by Different Levels of Nitrogen and Boron, and Main Head Harvesting in Plain Areas of Chitwan. International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies, 1, 277-283.
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Reducing internal disorders of mango |