Lemuel Preciados
PHD candidate
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
John Hines Building (62)

- Master of International Economics and Finance, The University of Queensland (2015)
- Preciados, L., Soria, R., & Polenio F. (2020). Economic Valuation of Protected Area’s Ecosystem Services: The Case of Mahagnao Volcano Natural Park (MVNP) in Burauen and La Paz, Leyte Philippines. Journal of Educational and Human Research Development.
- Preciados, L, and Catchero, F. (2020). Factors Influencing Consumption Behavior of Choco-Carabao Milk in Visayas State University (VSU), Baybay City, Leyte, Philippines. Journal of Economics, Managemen & Agricultural Development.
- Preciados, LS and Zabala AR. (2019). Factor Abundance and Export Competitiveness: Hecksher-Ohlin (HO) Theorem for Philippines and Japan Trade. Journal of Educational and Human Resource Development.
- Soria, RJ and Preciados, LS. (2018). Determinants of Cassava Domestic Supply. Annals of Tropical Research, VSU.
- Sarsalejo LF and Preciados, LS. (2018). Comparative Profitability Analysis of Electric, Pedicab, and Gasoline-Fueled Tricycles. Journal of Educational and Human Resource Development.
- Verdida, C and Preciados, LS. (2018). The Gravity Model of Tourism Demand in the Philippines. Journal of Educational and Human Resource Development.
- Preciados, L and Carcajente, J. (2016). Assessing the microlevel impacts of Sin Tax Law on cigarette consumption: A case study for Mahaplag, Leyte Philippines. Annals of Tropical Research, VSU.
- Preciados, L., Hall, David. (2016). Assessing the Economic Potential of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs): An Ex-Ante Cost-Benefit Analysis for Agricultural R&D in southern Philippines. Journal of Educational and Human Resource Development. ISSN: 2545-9759.
- Preciados, L., Bulayog, MS., Notarte, A. (2013). Ex-Ante Impact Assessment on Adoption of IPM Strategies for Mango in Region XI, Southern Philippines. ACIAR Proceedings 139. Smallholder HOPES. ISBN 978 1 922137 42 5 (print).
- Preciados, L., Bulayog, MS., Borines. L., Guadalquever, G. (2013). Ex-Ante Impact Assessment on Phytophthora Disease Control for Jackfruit in Region VIII, Southern Philippines. ACIAR Proceedings 139. Smallholder HOPES. ISBN 978 1 922137 42 5 (print).
- Preciados, L., Bulayog, MS., Soguilon, C., Montiel, C. (2013). Gross Margins Impact Analysis on Adoption of Phytopthora control strategies for Durian in Region XI, Southern Philippines. ACIAR Proceedings 139. Smallholder HOPES. ISBN 978 1 922137 42 5 (print).
- McClintock, A, Preciados, LS, Orr, L, and Bulayog MSB. (2010). Economic Impacts of Protected Cropping Technology. Economic Series Report, New South Wales, NSW DPI.