Emeritus Professor John Irwin
Emeritus Professor
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
+61 7 334 69462

Cameron, D. F., O'Brien, R. G. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1984). Glasshouse screening of species of Stylosanthes for resistance to anthracnose diseases. St Lucia, Qld Australia: CSIRO Division of Tropical Crops and Pastures.
Book Chapters
Irwin, J. A.G. (2015). Diseases of pasture legumes in Australia. Persistence of Forage Legumes. (pp. 399-418) wiley. doi: 10.2134/1989.persistenceofforagelegumes.c30
Irwin, J. A. G. and Armour, D. J. (2015). Anthracnose. Compendium of alfalfa diseases and pests. (pp. 27-30) edited by Deborah A. Samac, Landon H. Rhodes and William O. Lamp. St Paul, MN, United States: American Phytopathological Society.
Irwin, J. A. G. and Armour, D. J. (2015). Stagonospora leaf spot and root rot. The compendium of alfalfa diseases and pests. (pp. 48-50) edited by Deborah A. Samac, Landon H. Rhodes and William O. Lamp. St Paul, MN, United States: American Phytopathological Society.
Irwin, J. A. G. and Armour, D. J. (2015). Phytophthora root rot. The compendium of alfalfa diseases and pests. (pp. 46-48) edited by Deborah A. Samac, Landon H. Rhodes and William O. Lamp. St Paul, MN, United States: American Phytopathological Society.
Irwin, J. A. G. and Armour, D. J. (2015). Acrocalymma root and crown rot. The compendium of alfalfa diseases and pests. (pp. 36-36) edited by Deborah A. Samac, Landon H. Rhodes and William O. Lamp. St Paul, MN, United States: American Phytopathological Society.
Irwin, John A.G., Murray, Gordon M. and Davis, Robert D. (2015). Overview of pasture and forage crop diseases in Australia. Pasture and Forage Crop Pathology. (pp. 3-22) wiley. doi: 10.2134/1996.pastureforagecroppathol.ch1
Irwin, J. A. G. (1997). Field and laboratory methods for studying soil-borne diseases. Soil-borne diseases of tropical crops. (pp. 17-37) edited by J. M. Waller and R. J. Hillocks. Wallingford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom: CAB International.
Davis, R. D. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1994). Diseases of tropical pasture plants in Australia. Diseases of tropical pasture plants. (pp. 251-274) edited by J. M. Lenné and P. Trutmann. Wallingford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom: CAB International.
Manners, J. M., Masel, A. M. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1993). Molecular genetics of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides infecting Stylosanthes spp.. Aspects of tropical mycology. (pp. 233-251) edited by S. Isaac, J. C. Frankland, R. Watling and A. J. Whalley. Cambridge, MA USA: Cambridge University Press.
Maclean, D. J., Braithwaite, K. S., Manners, J. M. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1993). How do we identify and classify fungal plant pathogens in the era of DNA analysis?. Advances in plant pathology. (pp. 207-244) edited by John H. Andrews and I. C. Tommerup. Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States: Academic Press.
Manners, J. M., Masel, A. M., Braithwaite, K. S. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1992). Molecular analysis of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides pathogenic on the tropical pasture legumes Stylosanthes spp.. Colletotrichum, biology, pathology and control. (pp. 250-268) Wallingford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom: CAB International.
Irwin, J. A. G. (1990). Acrocalymma root and crown rot. Compendium of alfalfa diseases. (pp. 28-29) edited by D. L. Stuteville and D. C. Erwin. St. Paul, MN USA: American Phytopathological Society Press.
Clarke, A. E., Howlett, B., Imrie, B., Irwin, J. A. G., Kapuscinski, M., Ralton, J. and Smart, M. (1987). Tissue specific responses to infection. Molecular strategies for crop protection. (pp. 35-48) edited by A. Liss. New York: Unknown.
Irwin, J. A. G., Cameron, D. F. and Lenné, J. M. (1984). Responses of stylosanthes to anthracnose. The biology and agronomy of stylosanthes. (pp. 295-310) edited by Helen M. Stace and L. A. Edye. North Ryde, NSW Australia: Academic Press Australia. doi: 10.1016/b978-0-12-661680-4.50020-2
Irwin, J. A. G, Persley, G. J., Conde, B. and Pitkethley, R. N. (1984). Research for improved crop management: diseases. Agro-research for Australia's semi-arid tropics. (pp. 338-353) edited by R. C. Muchow. Brisbane, Australia: University of Queensland Press.
Journal Articles
Irwin, John A. G. and Havey, Michael J. (2024). Inheritance and response to selection for seed weight using the large seeded landrace Oman 2 of lucerne. Seeds, 3 (2), 269-275. doi: 10.3390/seeds3020020
Irwin, John and Bingham, Edwin (2023). Review of partial hybrids between herbaceous Medicago sativa and woody Medicago arborea and their potential role in alfalfa improvement. Applied Biosciences, 2 (3), 373-383. doi: 10.3390/applbiosci2030024
Bingham, Edwin and Irwin, John (2023). The Hybridization Barrier between Herbaceous Medicago sativa and Woody M. arborea Is Weakened by Reproductive Abnormalities in M. sativa Seed Parents. Plants (Basel, Switzerland), 12 (4) 962, 962. doi: 10.3390/plants12040962
Bingham, Edwin and Irwin, John (2022). Evidence that 2n eggs explain partial hybrids between Medicago sativa and Medicago arborea. Plants, 11 (10) 1380, 1380. doi: 10.3390/plants11101380
Giblin, F. R. , Tan, Y. P. , Mitchell, R. , Coates, L. M. , Irwin, J. A. G. and Shivas, R. G. (2018). Colletotrichum species associated with pre-and post-harvest diseases of avocado and mango in eastern Australia. Australasian Plant Pathology, 47 (3), 269-276. doi: 10.1007/s13313-018-0553-0
Irwin, John A. G., Sewell, James C., Woodfield, Derek R. and Bingham, Edwin T. (2016). Restructuring Lucerne (Medicago sativa) through introgression of the Medicago arborea genome. Agricultural Science, 28 (1), 40-46.
Basigalup, Daniel, Irwin, John, Mi, Fugui and Abdelguerfi-Laouar, Meriem (2014). Perspectives of alfalfa in Australia, China, Africa and Latin America. Legume Perspectives, 4, 9-10.
Bingham, Edwin, Armour, David and Irwin, John (2013). The Hybridization barrier between herbaceous Medicago sativa and woody M. arborea is weakened by selection of seed parents. Plants, 2 (2), 343-353. doi: 10.3390/plants2020343
Irwin, J. A. G. and Armour, D. J. (2013). Improving alfalfa resistance to biotic stresses. Legume Perspectives, 25-26.
Irwin, J. A. G., Armour, D. J., Pepper, P. M. and Lowe, K. F. (2010). Heterosis in lucerne testcrosses with Medicago arborea introgressions and Omani landraces and their performance in synthetics. Crop and Pasture Science, 61 (6), 450-463. doi: 10.1071/CP10070
Giblin, F. R., Coates, L. M. and Irwin, J. A. G. (2010). Pathogenic diversity of avocado and mango isolates of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides causing anthracnose and pepper spot in Australia. Australasian Plant Pathology, 39 (1), 50-62. doi: 10.1071/AP09055
Irwin, J.A.G., Pepper, P.M., Armour, D., Mackie, J. and Lowe, K.F. (2008). Use of single cross hybrids to measure heterosis for yield in diverse lucerne genotypes growing in a subtropical environment. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 59 (11), 999-1009. doi: 10.1071/AR08146
Armour, D., Mackie, J.M., Musial, J.M. and Irwin, J.A.G. (2008). Transfer of anthracnose resistance and pod coiling traits from Medicago arborea to M. sativa by sexual reproduction. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 117 (2), 149-156. doi: 10.1007/s00122-008-0761-z
Musial, J. M., Mackie, J. M., Armour, D. J., Phan, H. T. T., Ellwood, S. E., Aitken, K. S. and Irwin, J. A. G. (2007). Identification of QTL for resistance and susceptibility to Stagonospora meliloti in autotetraploid lucerne. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 114 (8), 1427-1435. doi: 10.1007/s00122-007-0528-y
Mackie, J. M., Musial, J. M., Armour, D. J., Phan, H. T. T., Ellwood, S. E., Aitken, K. S. and Irwin, J. A. G. (2007). Identification of QTL for reaction to three races of Colletotrichum trifolii and further analysis of inheritance of resistance in autotetraploid lucerne. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 114 (8), 1417-1426. doi: 10.1007/s00122-007-0527-z
Irwin, John (2006). Australasian Plant Pathology: Foreword. Australasian Plant Pathology, 35 (6). doi: 10.1071/APv35n6_FO
Drenth, A., Wagels, G., Smith, B., Sendall, B., O'Dwyer, C., Irvine, G. and Irwin, J. A. G. (2006). Development of a DNA-based method for detection and identification of Phytophthora species. Australasian Plant Pathology, 35 (2), 147-159. doi: 10.1071/AP06018
Musial, J. M., Lowe, K. F., Mackie, J. M., Aitken, K. S. and Irwin, J. A. G. (2006). DNA markers linked to yield, yield components, and morphological traits in autotetraploid lucerne (Medicago sativa L.). Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 57 (7), 801-810. doi: 10.1071/AR05390
Irwin, J. A. G., Aitken, K. S., Mackie, J. M. and Musial, J. M. (2006). Genetic improvement of lucerne for anthracnose (Colletotrichum trifolii) resistance. Australasian Plant Pathology, 35 (6), 573-579. doi: 10.1071/AP06059
Mackie, J. M., Pepper, P. M., Lowe, K. F., Musial, J. M. and Irwin, J. A. G. (2005). Potential to increase yield in lucerne (Medicago sativa subsp sativa) through introgression of Medicago sativa subsp falcata into Australian adapted material. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 56 (12), 1365-1372. doi: 10.1071/AR05085
Musial, J. M., Aitken, K. S., Mackie, J. M. and Irwin, J. A. G. (2005). A genetic linkage map in autotetraploid lucerne adapted to northern Australia, and use of the map to identify DNA markers linked to resistance to Phytophthora medicaginis. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 56 (4), 333-344. doi: 10.1071/AR04317
Irwin, J. A. G., Mackie, J. M., Marney, T. S., Musial, J. M. and Roberts, S. (2004). Incidence of Stagonospora meliloti and Acrocalymma medicaginis in Lucerne crowns and roots in eastern Australia, and their comparative aggressiveness to Lucerne and inheritance of reaction to S. meliloti in lucerne. Australasian Plant Pathology, 33 (1), 61-67. doi: 10.1071/AP03083
Anderson, J. R., Bentley, S., Irwin, J. A. G., Mackie, J. M., Neate, S. and Pattemore, J. A. (2004). Characterisation of Rhizoctonia solani isolates causing root canker of lucerne in Australia. Australasian Plant Pathology, 33 (2), 241-247. doi: 10.1071/AP04012
Whisson, S. C., Basnayake, S. W. V., Maclean, D. J., Irwin, J. A. G. and Drenth, A. (2004). Phytophthora sojae avirulence genes Avr4 and Avr6 are located in a 24kb, recombination-rich region of genomic DNA. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 41 (1), 62-74. doi: 10.1016/j.fgb.2003.08.007
Mackie, J. M., Musial, J. M., O'Neill, N. R. and Irwin, J. A. G. (2003). Pathogenic specialisation within Colletotrichum trifolii in Australia, and lucerne cultivar reactions to all known Australian pathotypes. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 54 (9), 829-836. doi: 10.1071/AR03079
Irwin, J. A. G., Musial, J. M., Mackie, J. M. and Basford, K. E. (2003). Utility of cotyledon and detached leaf assays for assessing root reactions of lucerne to Phytophthora root rot caused by Phytophthora medicaginis. Australasian Plant Pathology, 32 (2), 263-268. doi: 10.1071/AP03006
May, K. J., Drenth, A. and Irwin, J. A. G. (2003). Interspecific hybrids between the homothallic Phytophthora sojae and Phytophthora vignae. Australasian Plant Pathology, 32 (3), 353-359. doi: 10.1071/AP03037
Musial, J. M., Basford, K. E. and Irwin, J. A. G. (2002). Analysis of genetic diversity within Australian lucerne cultivars and implications for future genetic improvement. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 53 (6), 629-636. doi: 10.1071/AR01178
May, K. J., Whisson, S. C., Zwart, R. S., Searle, I. R., Irwin, J. A.G., Maclean, D. J., Carroll, B. J. and Drenth, A. (2002). Inheritance and mapping of 11 avirulence genes in Phytophthora sojae. Fungal Genetics And Biology, 37 (1), 1-12. doi: 10.1016/S1087-1845(02)00027-0
Irwin, J. A. G., Lloyd, D. L. and Lowe, K. F. (2001). Lucerne biology and genetic improvement - an analysis of past activities and future goals in Australia. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 52 (7), 699-712. doi: 10.1071/AR00181
Brake, V. M., Irwin, J. A. G. and Park, R. F. (2001). Genetic variability in Australian isolates of Puccinia coronata f. sp avenae assessed with molecular and pathogenicity markers. Australasian Plant Pathology, 30 (3), 259-266. doi: 10.1071/AP01039
Irwin, J. A. G. and Mackie, J. M. (2000). Sexual reproduction by Phytophthora macrochlamydospora: a Group VI Species. Australian Systematic Botany, 13 (6), 817-821. doi: 10.1071/SB00003
Bray, R. A. and Irwin, J. A G (1999). New herbage plant cultivar B. Legumes 8. Lucerne (a) Medicago sativa L. (lucerne) cv. Sequel HR. Tropical Grasslands, 33 (3), 191-192.
Bray, R. A. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1999). Register of Australian Herbage Plant Cultivars: B. Legumes: 8. Lucerne: Medicago sativa L. (lucerne) cv. Hallmark. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 39 (5), 643-644.
Bray, RA and Irwin, JAG (1999). New herbage plant cultivar. Tropical Grasslands, 33 (3), 191-192.
Bray, RA and Irwin, JAG (1999). New herbage plant cultivars - B-legumes - 8. Lucerne (a) Medicago sativa L-(lucerne) cv. Hallmark. Tropical Grasslands, 33 (2), 127-128.
Irwin, J. A. G. and Bray, R. A. (1999). Similarities and differences in the genetic and physiological control of resistance to stemphylium leafspot in winter-active and semi-dormant lucernes. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 39 (3), 301-305. doi: 10.1071/EA98110
Hetherington, S. D. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1999). Pathological and molecular genetic variation in the interaction between Sporobolus spp. and Bipolaris spp.. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 50 (4), 583-588. doi: 10.1071/A98126
Shivas, R. G., White, J., Irwin, J. A. G., Blatch, A. J. and Whittle, P. J. (1999). First record in Australia of Myriogenospora atramentosa on lemongrass and sugarcane. Australasian Plant Pathology, 28 (4), 336-336. doi: 10.1071/AP99053
Bray, R. A., Irwin, J. A G and Kelman, W. M. (1999). Register of Australian herbage plant cultivars. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 39 (5), 643-644. doi: 10.1071/ea99049_cu
Mackie, J. M., Lloyd, D. L., Ryley, M. J. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1999). Fungal diseases of temperate annual pasture legumes in southern Queensland. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 39 (6), 699-707. doi: 10.1071/EA99012
He, C. Z., Rusu, A. G., Poplawski, A. M., Irwin, J. A. G. and Manners, J. M. (1998). Transfer of a supernumerary chromosome between vegetatively incompatible biotypes of the fungus Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Genetics, 150 (4), 1459-1466. doi: 10.1093/genetics/150.4.1459
Poplawski, AM, Irwin, JAG and Manners, JM (1998). Isolation of genotype- and chromosome-specific DNA markers in a biotype of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides using random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis. Australian Journal of Botany, 46 (1), 143-149. doi: 10.1071/BT96131
Poplawski, A.M, Irwin, J. A. G. and Manners, J.M. (1998). Isolations of genotype-and chromosome-specific DNA markers in a biotype of Colletotrichum gloeosprorioides using random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis. Australian Journal of Botany, 46, 143-149.
Liew, ECY, MacLean, DJ and Irwin, JAG (1998). Specific PCR based detection of Phytophthora medicaginis using the intergenic spacer region of the ribosomal DNA. Mycological Research, 102 (1), 73-80. doi: 10.1017/S0953756297004450
Mackie, JM and Irwin, JAG (1998). Genetics and race variability of the lucerne - Colletotrichum trifolii pathosystem in Australia. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 49 (4), 713-722. doi: 10.1071/A97133
Mackie, JM and Irwin, JAG (1998). The proportion of individual lucerne plants resistant to Phytophthora medicaginis and Colletotrichum trifolii in Australian cultivars. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 38 (1), 41-44. doi: 10.1071/EA97089
Ryley, MJ, Obst, NR, Irwin, JAG and Drenth, A (1998). Changes in the racial composition of Phytophthora sojae in Australia between 1979 and 1996. Plant Disease, 82 (9), 1048-1054. doi: 10.1094/PDIS.1998.82.9.1048
Bray, R. A. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1998). Register of Australian herbage plant cultivars - B. Legumes - 8. Lucerne - (a) Medicago sativa L (Lucerne) cv Sequel HR. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 38 (2), 209-209. doi: 10.1071/EA97147_CU
Poplawski, A. M., He, C. Z., Irwin, J. A. G. and Manners, J. M. (1997). Transfer of an autonomously replicating vector between vegetatively incompatible biotypes of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Current Genetics, 32 (1), 66-72. doi: 10.1007/s002940050249
Irwin, JAG (1997). Biology and management of Phytophthora spp. attacking field crops in Australia. Australasian Plant Pathology, 26 (4), 207-216. doi: 10.1071/AP97035
Irwin, J. A. G., Crawford, A. R. and Drenth, A. (1997). The origins of Phytophthora species attacking legumes in Australia. Advances In Botanical Research Incorporating Advances In Plant Pathology, 24 (C), 431-456. doi: 10.1016/S0065-2296(08)60081-6
Liew, ECY and Irwin, JAG (1997). Differential disease reactions on lucerne genotypes inoculated with Phytophthora medicaginis isolates from lucerne and chickpea. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 48 (5), 545-551. doi: 10.1071/A96143
Irwin, JAG, Maxwell, DP and Smith, RR (1997). Expression of resistance by tetraploid and diploid lucerne genotypes to Phytophthora medicaginis is not influenced by inoculum level or by temperature. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 48 (2), 181-190. doi: 10.1071/A96093
Crawford, AR, Bassam, BJ, Drenth, A, MacLean, DJ and Irwin, JAG (1996). Evolutionary relationships among Phytophthora species deduced from rDNA sequence analysis (vol 100, pg 437, 1996). Mycological Research, 100 (10), 1218-1218. doi: 10.1016/S0953-7562(96)80183-3
He, C. Z., Nourse, J. P., Kelemu, S., Irwin, J. A. G. and Manners, J. M. (1996). CgT1: A non-LTR retrotransposon with restricted distribution in the fungal phytopathogen Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Molecular & General Genetics, 252 (3), 320-331. doi: 10.1007/BF02173778
Crawford, A. R., Bassam, B. J., Drenth, A., MacLean, D. J. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1996). Evolutionary relationships among Phytophthora species deduced from rDNA sequence analysis. Mycological Research, 100 (4), 437-443. doi: 10.1016/S0953-7562(96)80140-7
Drenth, A., Whisson, S. C., Maclean, D. J., Irwin, J. A. G., Obst, N. R. and Ryley, M. J. (1996). The evolution of races of Phytophthora sojae in Australia. Phytopathology, 86 (2), 163-169. doi: 10.1094/Phyto-86-163
Masel, A. M., He, C., Poplawski, A. M., Irwin, J. A. G. and Manners, J. M. (1996). Molecular evidence for chromosome transfer between biotypes of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions: MPMI Journal, 9 (5), 339-348. doi: 10.1094/MPMI-9-0339
Irwin, J. A. G., Cahill, D. M. and Drenth, A. (1995). Phytophthora in Australia. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 46 (7), 1311-1337. doi: 10.1071/AR9951311
Whisson, S. C., Drenth, A., Maclean, D. J. and Irwin J. A. G. (1995). Phytophthora sojae Avirulence Genes, RAPD, and RFLP Markers Used to Construct a Detailed Genetic Linkage Map. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 8 (6), 988-995. doi: 10.1094/MPMI-8-0988
Brake, V. M., Pegg, K. G., Irwin, J. A. G. and Chaseling, J. (1995). The influence of temperature, inoculum level and race of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense on the disease reaction of banana cv. Cavendish. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 46 (3), 673-685. doi: 10.1071/AR9950673
Boland, R. M., Chakraborty, S. and Irwin, J. A.G. (1995). Survival of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides on Stylosanthes scabra cv. Fitzroy during the dry season. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 46 (5), 959-969. doi: 10.1071/AR9950959
Hetherington, S. D., Chakraborty, S., Thomas, M. and Irwin, J. A. (1995). The relationship between anthracnose severity and populations of bacteria on the phylloplane of the tropical pasture legume Stylosanthes scabra. Biological Control, 5 (1), 39-46. doi: 10.1006/bcon.1995.1005
He, Chaozu, Masel, Andrew M., Irwin, John A. G., Kelemu, Segenet and Manners, John M. (1995). Distribution and relationship of chromosome-specific dispensable DNA sequences in diverse isolates of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Mycological Research, 99 (11), 1325-1333. doi: 10.1016/S0953-7562(09)81216-1
MacLean, D. J., Braithwaite, K. S., Irwin, J. A. G., Manners, J. M. and Groth, J. V. (1995). Random amplified polymorphic DNA reveals relationships among diverse genotypes in Australian and American collections of Uromyces appendiculatus. Phytopathology, 85 (7), 757-765. doi: 10.1094/Phyto-85-757
Whisson, S. C., Drenth, A., Maclean, D. J. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1994). Evidence for outcrossing in Phytophthora sojae and linkage of a DNA marker to two avirulence genes. Current Genetics, 27 (1), 77-82. doi: 10.1007/BF00326582
Manners, J. M., Masel, A. M., He, C., Poplawski, A. M. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1994). Evidence for chromosome transfer between biotypes of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. International Colletotrichum Newsletter, 1, 6-11.
Braithwaite, K. S., Manners, J. M., Irwin, J. A. G. and Maclean, D. J. (1994). DNA markers reveal hybrids between two diverse background genotypes in Australian collections of the bean rust fungus Uromyces appendiculatus. Australian Journal of Botany, 42 (3), 255-267. doi: 10.1071/BT9940255
Liew, E. C. Y. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1994). Comparative studies on Phytophthora megasperma isolates from chickpea collected in Australia and Spain. Mycological Research, 98 (11), 1284-1290. doi: 10.1016/S0953-7562(09)80300-6
Davis, R. D., Chakraborty, S., Cameron, D. F., Irwin, J. A.G. and Boland, R. M. (1994). The influence of mixtures of Stylosanthes spp. accessions on the occurrence of anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 45 (1), 203-210. doi: 10.1071/AR9940203
Irwin, J.A.G. (1994). Plant pathology in Australia: - a future perspective from the research point of view. Australasian Plant Pathology, 23 (4), 216-218. doi: 10.1071/APP9940216
Davis, R.I., Irwin, J.A.G. and Imrie, B.C. (1994). Glasshouse and field evaluation of cowpea lines for partial resistance to Phytophthora vignae. Plant Pathology, 43 (1), 17-26. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3059.1994.tb00548.x
Hayden, H. L., Pegg, K. G., Aitken, E. A. B. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1994). Genetic-relationships as assessed by molecular markers and cross-infection among strains of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Australian Journal of Botany, 42 (1), 9-18. doi: 10.1071/BT9940009
Coates, L. M., Muirhead, I. F., Irwin, J. A. G. and Gowanlock, D. H. (1993). Initial infection processes by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides on avocado fruit. Mycological Research, 97 (11), 1363-1370. doi: 10.1016/S0953-7562(09)80171-8
Masel, Andrew M., Struijk, Nicole, McIntyre, C.Lynne, Irwin, John A.G. and Manners, John M. (1993). A strain-specific cyclin homolog in the fungal phytopathogen Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Gene, 133 (1), 141-145. doi: 10.1016/0378-1119(93)90239-Y
Fegan, M., Manners, J. M., Maclean, D. J., Irwin, J. A. G., Samuels, K. D. Z., Holdom, D. G. and Li, D. P. (1993). Random amplified polymorphic DNA markers reveal a high-degree of genetic diversity in the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae var. anisopliae. Journal of General Microbiology, 139 (9), 2075-2081. doi: 10.1099/00221287-139-9-2075
Masel, Andrew M., Irwin, John A. G. and Manners, John M. (1993). Mini-chromosomes of Colletotrichum spp. infecting several host species in various countries. Mycological Research, 97 (7), 852-856. doi: 10.1016/S0953-7562(09)81161-1
Inch, M. J., Irwin, J. A. G. and Bray, R. A. (1993). Seasonal variation in lucerne foliar diseases and cultivar reaction to leaf spot pathogens in the field in Southern Queensland. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 33 (3), 343-348. doi: 10.1071/EA9930343
Moore N.Y., Pegg K.G., Allen R.N. and Irwin J.A.G. (1993). Vegetative compatibility and distribution of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense in Australia. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 33 (6), 797-802. doi: 10.1071/EA9930797
Coates, L. M., Irwin, J. A. G. and Muirhead, I. F. (1993). The use of a benomyl-resistant mutant to demonstrate latency of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in avocado fruit. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 44 (4), 763-772. doi: 10.1071/AR9930763
Davis, R.I., Irwin, J.A.G. and Imrie, B.C. (1993). Development of a glasshouse assay for screening for partial resistance to P. vignae in cowpea. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 44 (4), 755-762. doi: 10.1071/AR9930755
Whisson, S. C., Howlett, B. J., Liew, E. C. Y., Maclean, D. J., Manners, J. M. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1993). An Assessment of Genetic Relationships between Members of the Phytophthora megasperma Complex and Phytophthora vignae using Molecular Markers. Australian Systematic Botany, 6 (4), 295-308. doi: 10.1071/sb9930295
Masel, Andrew M., Irwin, John A. G. and Manners, John M. (1993). DNA addition or deletion is associated with a major karyotype polymorphism in the fungal phytopathogen Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. MGG Molecular & General Genetics, 237 (1-2), 73-80. doi: 10.1007/BF00282786
Whisson, S. C., Maclean, D. J., Manners, J. M. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1992). Genetic-Relationships Among Australian and North-American Isolates of Phytophthora-Megasperma F-Sp Glycinea Assessed by Multicopy Dna Probes. Phytopathology, 82 (8), 863-868. doi: 10.1094/Phyto-82-863
Brake, V. M. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1992). Partial resistance of oats to P. coronata f.sp. avenae. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 43 (5), 1217-1227. doi: 10.1071/AR9921217
Bray, R. A. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1992). Medicago sativa L. (lucerne) cv. Quadrella. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 32 (2), 263-263. doi: 10.1071/ea9920263
Irwin, Jag (1991). Phytophthora-Macrochlamydospora, a New Species From Australia. Mycologia, 83 (4), 517-519. doi: 10.2307/3760365
Chakraborty, S., Pettitt, A. N., Cameron, D. F., Irwin, J. A. G. and Davis, R. D. (1991). Anthracnose Development in Pure and Mixed Stands of the Pasture Legume Stylosanthes-Scabra. Phytopathology, 81 (7), 788-793. doi: 10.1094/Phyto-81-788
Iamsupasit N., Cameron D.F., Chakraborty S., Gordon G., Irwin J.A.G. and Davis R.D. (1991). Glasshouse and field evaluation of quantitative resistance to Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in tetraploid accessions of Stylosanthes hamata. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 42 (3), 429-439. doi: 10.1071/AR9910429
Dale, M. L. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1991). Stomata as an infection court for Phytophthora megasperma f. sp medicaginis in chickpea and a histological study of infection. Phytopathology, 81 (4), 375-379. doi: 10.1094/Phyto-81-375
Shoemaker, RA, Babcock, CE and Irwin, Jag (1991). Massarina-Walkeri N-Sp - the Teleomorph of Acrocalymma-Medicaginis From Medicago-Sativa Contrasted with Leptosphaeria-Pratensis, L-Weimeri N-Sp - and L-Viridella. Canadian Journal of Botany-Revue Canadienne De Botanique, 69 (3), 569-573. doi: 10.1139/b91-077
Dale M.L. and Irwin J.A.G. (1991). Glasshouse and field screening of chickpea cultivars for resistance to phytophthora megasperma f. Sp. medicaginis. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 31 (5), 663-667. doi: 10.1071/EA9910663
Irwin, J. A. G. and Bray, R. A. (1991). Variation in virulence within the cool temperature biotype of Stemphylium vesicarium (Wallr.) Simmons, a lucerne leaf spot pathogen. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 31 (6), 793-795. doi: 10.1071/EA9910793
Moore, N. Y., Hargreaves, P. A., Pegg, K. G. and Irwin, J. A G (1991). Characterisation of strains of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense by production of volatiles. Australian Journal of Botany, 39 (2), 161-166. doi: 10.1071/BT9910161
Irwin, J. A.G. and Mackay, M. C. (1991). Avena sativa (Oats) cv. panfive. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 31 (6), 867-867. doi: 10.1071/EA9910867
Braithwaite, K. S., Manners, J. M., Maclean, D. J. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1991). A molecular approach to distinguish the bean rust and siratro rust pathogens. Australian Journal of Botany, 39 (6), 527-534. doi: 10.1071/BT9910527
Liew, E. C. Y., Maclean, D. J. , Manners, J. M., Dawson, D. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1991). Use of restriction fragment length polymorphisms to study genetic relationships between Australian and Japanese isolates of Phytophthora vignae. Australian Journal of Botany, 39 (4), 335-346. doi: 10.1071/BT9910335
Troedson, R. J., Ryley, M. J., Byth, D. E. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1991). Effect of Phytophthora root and stem rot on the response of field-grown soybean to Saturated Soil Culture. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 42 (5), 791-799. doi: 10.1071/AR9910791
Braithwaite, K. S., Irwin, J. A. G. and Manners, J. M. (1990). Restriction fragment length polymorphisms in Colletotrichum gloeosporioides infecting Stylosanthes spp. in Australia. Mycological Research, 94 (8), 1129-1137. doi: 10.1016/S0953-7562(09)81345-2
Ogle, H. J., Gowanlock, D. H. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1990). Infection of Stylosanthes guianensis and S. scabra by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Phytopathology, 80 (9), 837-842. doi: 10.1094/Phyto-80-837
Sharp, D., Braithwaite, K. S., Irwin, J. A. G. and Manners, J. M. (1990). Biochemical and Cytochemical Responses of Stylosanthes-Guianensis to Infection by Colletotrichum-Gloeosporioides - Association of Callose Deposition with Resistance. Canadian Journal of Botany-Revue Canadienne De Botanique, 68 (3), 505-511. doi: 10.1139/b90-068
Braithwaite K.S., Irwin J.A.G. and Manners J.M. (1990). Ribosomal DNA as a molecular taxonomic marker for the group species colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Australian Systematic Botany, 3 (4), 733-738. doi: 10.1071/SB9900733
Brake, V. M., Pegg, K. G., Irwin, J. A. G. and Langdon, P. W. (1990). Vegetative compatibility groups within Australian populations of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense, the cause of Fusarium wilt of bananas. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 41 (5), 863-870. doi: 10.1071/AR9900863
Othieno Abbo, E. and Irwin, J. A.G. (1990). Aphanomyces euteiches, a possible cause of poor lucerne establishment in the Lockyer Valley, Queensland. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 30 (3), 361-364. doi: 10.1071/EA9900361
Dale, M. L. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1990). Estimation of inoculum potentials of Phytophthora megasperma F. Sp. medicaginis in chickpea fields and the development of a glasshouse resistance assay. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 30 (1), 109-114. doi: 10.1071/EA9900109
Masel A., Braithwaite K., Irwin J. and Manners J. (1990). Highly variable molecular karyotypes in the plant pathogen Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Current Genetics, 18 (1), 81-86. doi: 10.1007/BF00321120
Davis, R. I., Ogle, H., Hayward, A. C., Meekin, J. S., Irwin, J. A. G. and Kumar, J. (1989). Etiology of Stem Canker Diseases of Pigeonpea in Fiji. Plant Pathology, 38 (3), 440-442. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3059.1989.tb02165.x
Bray, R. A. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1989). Recurrent selection for resistance to Stemphylium vesicarium within the lucerne cultivars Trifecta and Sequel. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 29 (2), 189-192. doi: 10.1071/EA9890189
Havey, M. J., Irwin, J. A. G. and Maxwell, D. P. (1989). Registration of WAPRS-4 Alfalfa Germplasm Resistant to Phytophthora Root Rot. Crop Science, 29 (3), 833-833. doi: 10.2135/cropsci1989.0011183x002900030072x
Dale, JL, Manners, JM and Irwin, Jag (1988). Colletotrichum-Gloeosporioides Isolates Causing Different Anthracnose Diseases On Stylosanthes in Australia Carry Distinct Double-Stranded Rnas. Transactions of the British Mycological Society, 91 (4), 671-676. doi: 10.1016/S0007-1536(88)80043-3
Irwin, Jag and Stirling, AM (1988). A Semi-Selective Medium for Isolation of Acrocalymma-Medicaginis From Lucerne Root and Crown Tissue. Transactions of the British Mycological Society, 90 (4), 657-658. doi: 10.1016/S0007-1536(88)80075-5
Trevorrow, PR, Irwin, Jag and Cameron, DF (1988). Histopathology of Compatible and Incompatible Interactions Between Colletotrichum-Gloeosporioides and Stylosanthes-Scabra. Transactions of the British Mycological Society, 90 (3), 421-429. doi: 10.1016/S0007-1536(88)80151-7
Ogle, HJ, Irwin, Jag and Bray, RA (1988). Quantitative Histological Studies of Compatible and Incompatible Interactions Between Accessions of Macroptilium-Atropurpureum and Uromyces-Appendiculatus. Plant Pathology, 37 (1), 96-103. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3059.1988.tb02200.x
Irwin J.A.G. (1988). Uromyces appendiculatus var. Crassitunicatus, var. nov. from macroptilium atropurpureum. Australian Systematic Botany, 1 (4), 363-371. doi: 10.1071/SB9880363
Davis, R. D., Irwin, J. A. G. and Shepherd, R. K. (1988). Induced systemic resistance in Stylosanthes spp. to Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 39 (3), 399-407. doi: 10.1071/AR9880399
CHAKRABORTY, S., CAMERON, D. F., IRWIN, J. A.G. and EDYE, L. A. (1988). Quantitatively expressed resistance to anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) in Stylosanthes scabra. Plant Pathology, 37 (4), 529-537. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3059.1988.tb02111.x
Ralton, J.E., Howlett, B.J., Clarke, A.E., Irwin, J.A.G. and Imrie, B. (1988). Interaction of cowpea with Phytophthora vignae: inheritance of resistance and production of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase as a resistance response. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 32 (1), 89-103. doi: 10.1016/S0885-5765(88)80008-0
Cox, M. L. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1988). Conidium and appressorium variation in Australian isolates of the colletotrichum gloeosporioides group and closely related species. Australian Systematic Botany, 1 (2), 139-149. doi: 10.1071/SB9880139
Havey, M. J., Maxwell, D. P. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1987). Independent inheritance of genes conditioning resistance to Phytophthora root rot from diploid and tetraploid alfalfa. Crop Science, 27 (5), 873-879. doi: 10.2135/cropsci1987.0011183X002700050007x
Alcorn, J. L. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1987). Acrocalymma medicaginis Gen. et sp.nov. causing root and crown rot of Medicago sativa in Australia. Transactions of the British Mycological Society, 88 (2), 163-167. doi: 10.1016/S0007-1536(87)80211-5
Vinijsanun, T., Cameron, D. F., Irwin, J. A. G. and Barnes, A. (1987). Phenotypic variation for disease resistance and virulence within naturalized populations of Stylosanthes humilis and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 38 (4), 717-728. doi: 10.1071/AR9870717
Davis, R. D., Irwin, J. A. G., Shepherd, R. K. and Cameron, D. F. (1987). Yield Losses Caused by Colletotrichum-Gloeosporioides in 3 Species of Stylosanthes. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 27 (1), 67-72. doi: 10.1071/EA9870067
Davis, R. D., Irwin, J. A. G., Cameron, D. F. and Shepherd, R. K. (1987). Epidemiologic-Studies On the Anthracnose Diseases of Stylosanthes Spp Caused by Colletotrichum-Gloeosporioides in North-Queensland and Pathogenic Specialization Within the Natural Fungal Populations. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 38 (6), 1019-1032. doi: 10.1071/AR9871019
Jackson, K. J., Irwin, J. A. G. and Berthelsen, J. E. (1987). Sources of Alternaria carthami inoculum in safflower. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 27 (1), 149-154. doi: 10.1071/EA9870149
Irwin, Jag (1987). Recent Advances in the Detection of Seedborne Pathogens. Seed Science and Technology, 15 (3), 755-763.
Vinijsanun, T., Irwin, J. A.G. and Cameron, D. F. (1987). Host range of three strains of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides from tropical pasture legumes, and comparative histological studies of interactions between type B disease-producing strains and Stylosanthes scabra (Non-Host) and S. guianensis (Host). Australian Journal of Botany, 35 (6), 665-677. doi: 10.1071/BT9870665
Irwin J.A.G., Dill-Macky R. and Stirling M. (1986). Taxonomic studies on Australian isolates of stemphylium spp. and associated teleomorphs. Australian Journal of Botany, 34 (3), 281-292. doi: 10.1071/BT9860281
Ogle, H. J., Irwin, J. A. G. and Cameron, D. F. (1986). Biology of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides isolates from tropical pasture legumes. Australian Journal of Botany, 34 (5), 537-550. doi: 10.1071/BT9860537
Stirling, A. M. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1986). Etiology of a newly described root rot of guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) in Australia caused by Phytophthora cryptogea. Plant Pathology, 35 (4), 527-534. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3059.1986.tb02051.x
Irwin, Jag, Dillmacky, R and Bray, RA (1985). Reaction of Lucerne Cultivars and Lines to Australian Isolates of a Stemphylium Sp. Tropical Grasslands, 19 (4), 145-149.
Code, J. L., Irwin, J. A. G. and Barnes, A. (1985). Comparative Etiological and Epidemiological Studies on Rust Diseases of Phaseolus vulgaris and Macroptilium atropurpureum. Australian Journal of Botany, 33 (2), 147-157. doi: 10.1071/BT9850147
Cameron, D. F., Irwin, J. A.G. and O’Brien, R. G. (1985). Variability in isolates of colletotrichum gloeosporioides causing anthracnose diseases of stylosanthes species. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 25 (2), 444-449. doi: 10.1071/EA9850444
Brinsmead, R. B., Rettke, M. L., Irwin, J. A. G., Ryley, M. J. and Langdon, P. W. (1985). Resistance in Chickpea to Phytophthora-Megasperma f. sp. Medicaginis. Plant Disease, 69 (6), 504-506. doi: 10.1094/PD-69-504
Irwin, J. A.G. and Davis, R. D. (1985). Taxonomy of some Leptosphaerulina Spp. On legumes in Eastern Australia. Australian Journal of Botany, 33 (2), 233-237. doi: 10.1071/BT9850233
Davis, R. D., Irwin, J. A G and Cameron, D. F. (1984). Variation in virulence and pathogenic specialization of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides isolates from Stylosanthes scabra cvv. Fitzroy and Seca. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 35 (5), 653-662. doi: 10.1071/AR9840653
Irwin, Jag (1984). Etiology of a New Stemphylium-Incited Leaf Disease of Alfalfa in Australia. Plant Disease, 68 (6), 531-532.
Clements, RJ, Turner, JW, Irwin, Jag, Langdon, PW and Bray, RA (1984). Breeding Disease Resistant, Aphid Resistant Lucerne for Sub-Tropical Queensland. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 24 (125), 178-188. doi: 10.1071/EA9840178
Irwin, J. A.G., Cameron, D. F. and Ratcliff, D. (1984). Influence of environmental factors on the development of the anthracnose diseases of Stylosanthes spp. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 35 (4), 473-478. doi: 10.1071/AR9840473
Irwin, J. A.G., Trevorrow, P. R. and Cameron, D. F. (1984). Histopathology of compatible interactions involving biotypes of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides that cause anthracnose of Stylosanthes spp. Australian Journal of Botany, 32 (6), 631-640. doi: 10.1071/BT9840631
Diatloff, A, Irwin, Jag and Rose, JL (1983). Effects of Systemic Fungicidal Seed Dressings On the Incidence of Phytophthora Megasperma, Nodulation, and Nitrogen-Fixation in 2 Soybean Cultivars. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 23 (120), 87-90. doi: 10.1071/EA9830087
Davis, R. D. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1982). Leaf lesions on Stylosanthes guianensis caused by Curvularia eragrostidis in North Queensland. Australasian Plant Pathology, 11 (4), 54-54. doi: 10.1071/APP9820054
Rose, J. L., Irwin, J. A. G., Ryley, M. J., Langdon, P. W. and Jenner, L. B. (1982). Reaction of Soybean Cultivars to Races of Phytophthora-Megasperma Fsp Glycinea Present in Queensland. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 33 (5), 763-771. doi: 10.1071/AR9820763
Irwin, J. A. G. and Langdon, P. W. (1982). A Laboratory Procedure for Determining Relative Levels of Field-Resistance in Soybeans to Phytophthora-Megasperma Fsp Glycinea. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 33 (1), 33-39. doi: 10.1071/AR9820033
Jackson, KJ, Irwin, Jag and Berthelsen, JE (1982). Effect of Alternaria Carthami On the Yield, Yield Components and Seed Quality of Safflower. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 22 (116), 221-225. doi: 10.1071/EA9820221
Irwin, Jag and Dale, JL (1982). Relationships Between Phytophthora-Megasperma Isolates From Chickpea, Lucerne and Soybean. Australian Journal of Botany, 30 (2), 199-210. doi: 10.1071/BT9820199
Irwin, Jag, Maxwell, DP and Bingham, ET (1981). Inheritance of Resistance to Phytophthora-Megasperma in Tetraploid Alfalfa. Crop Science, 21 (2), 277-283. doi: 10.2135/cropsci1981.0011183X002100020018x
Irwin, J. A. G., Maxwell, D. P. and Bingham, E. T. (1981). Inheritance of resistance to Phytophthora-megasperma in diploid alfalfa. Crop Science, 21 (2), 271-276. doi: 10.2135/cropsci1981.0011183X002100020017x
Irwin, Jag, Maxwell, DP and Smith, RR (1980). Correlation Between Root and Stem Reactions of Alfalfa to Phytophthora-Megasperma F Sp Medicaginis. Phytopathology, 70 (10), 987-990.
Irwin, J. A. G. and Maxwell, D. P. (1980). Resistance of Medicago spp. accessions to Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. medicaginis. Plant Disease, 64, 396-397.
Irwin, J. A. G., Lloyd, D. L., Bray, R. A. and Langdon, P. W. (1980). Selection for Resistance to Colletotrichum-Trifolii in the Lucerne Cultivars Hunter River and Siro Peruvian. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 20 (105), 447-451. doi: 10.1071/EA9800447
Irwin, J. A. G., Miller, S. A. and Maxwell, D. P. (1979). Alfalfa seedling resistance to Phytophthora megasperma. Phytopathology, 69 (10), 1051-1055.
Bray, RA and Irwin, Jag (1978). Selection for Resistance to Phytophthora Megasperma Var. Sojae in Hunter River Lucerne. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 18 (94), 708-713. doi: 10.1071/EA9780708
Rogers, VE, Irwin, Jag and Stovold, G (1978). Development of Lucerne with Resistance to Root-Rot in Poorly Aerated Soils. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 18 (92), 434-441. doi: 10.1071/EA9780434
Irwin, Jag and Cameron, DF (1978). 2 Diseases in Stylosanthes-Spp Caused by Colletotrichum-Gloeosporioides in Australia, and Pathogenic Specialization Within One of Causal Organisms. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 29 (2), 305-317. doi: 10.1071/AR9780305
Irwin, Jag (1977). Factors Contributing to Poor Lucerne Persistence in Southern Queensland. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 17 (89), 998-1003. doi: 10.1071/EA9770998
Irwin, Jag and Jones, RM (1977). Role of Fungi and Nematodes as Factors Associated with Death of White Clover (Trifolium-Repens) Stolons Over Summer in Southeastern Queensland. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 17 (88), 789-794. doi: 10.1071/EA9770789
Irwin, J. A. G. and Jackson, K. J. (1977). Safflower Diseases in Queensland. Queensland Agricultural Journal, 103 (6), 516-520.
Irwin, Jag (1976). Observations On Mode of Infection of Lucerne Roots by Phytophthora-Megasperma. Australian Journal of Botany, 24 (4), 447-451. doi: 10.1071/BT9760447
Irwin, Jag (1976). Alternaria Carthami, a Seed-Borne Pathogen of Safflower. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 16 (83), 921-925. doi: 10.1071/EA9760921
Pont, W. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1976). Colletotrichum leaf spot and stem canker of Stylosanthes spp. in Queensland. Australasian Plant Pathology, 5 (1 Supp)
Irwin, J. A. G. and Bray, R. A. (1976). Selection for resistance to Phytophthora megasperma in Hunter River lucerne. Australasian Plant Pathology, 5 (1 Supp)
Irwin, J. A. G. (1975). Alternaria carthami on Safflower. Australasian Plant Pathology, 4 (3), 24-25. doi: 10.1071/app9750024a
Moffett, M. L. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1975). Bacterial leaf and stem spot (Xanthomonas alfalfae) of lucerne in Queensland. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 15 (73), 223-226. doi: 10.1071/ea9750223
Irwin, J. A. G. (1974). Resistance of Lucerne cultivars to Phytophthora root rot (Phytophthora megasperma var. sojae). Australasian Plant Pathology, 3 (1), 16. doi: 10.1071/app9740016b
Irwin, J. A. G. (1974). Reaction of lucerne cultivars to Phytophthora megasperma, the cause of a root rot in Queensland. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 14 (69), 561-565. doi: 10.1071/EA9740561
Irwin, J. A.G. (1974). Crown rot of lucerne in queensland caused by colletotrichum trifolii. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 14 (67), 197-200. doi: 10.1071/EA9740197
Irwin, J. A. G. (1973). Root rot of safflower in Queensland. Australian Plant Pathology Society Newsletter, 2 (4), 29-29. doi: 10.1071/APP9730029
Erwin, J. A. G. (1973). Verticillium wilt of soybean. Australian Plant Pathology Society Newsletter, 2 (3), 18. doi: 10.1071/APP9730018
Irwin, J. A. G. (1973). Charcoal rot of soybeans in Queensland. Australian Plant Pathology Society Newsletter, 2 (3), 19. doi: 10.1071/APP9730019a
Irwin, J. A. G. (1973). A crown rot of lucerne caused by Colletotrichum trifolii. Australian Plant Pathology Society Newsletter, 2 (1), 2-3. doi: 10.1071/APP9730002
Irwin, J. A. G. (1973). A crown rot of lucerne caused by Colletotrichum trifolii. Australasian Plant Pathology, 2 (1), 2-3. doi: 10.1071/app9730002
Irwin, J. A. G. (1972). Stagonospora root and crown rot of lucerne. Australasian Plant Pathology, 1 (4), 29-30. doi: 10.1071/app9720029
Conference Papers
Sheedy, J. G., Thompson, J. P. and Irwin, J. (2006). Resistance to root-lesion nematode (Pratylenchus thornei) in wild relatives of wheat. AMER PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOC.
Croft, B. J, Brumbley, S. M., Braithwaite, K. S., Hermann, S. R., McIntyre, C. L. and Irwin, J. A. G. (2005). Sugarcane disease management for the 21st century - contributions of the CRC for tropical plant protection. 2005 Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, Bundaberg, Qld, Australia, 3-6 May, 2005. Brisbane, Qld, Australia: Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists.
Basnayake, S. W. V., Whisson, S., Drenth, A., Maclean, D. J. and Irwin, J. A. G. (2000). High resolution mapping of the candidate Avr4/6 locus in the genome of Phytophthora sojae. Combio 2000, Wellington, New Zealand, 11-14 Dec, 2000. Kent Town, SA: Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
Irwin, J. A. G. (2000). Licensing: a scientist's perspective. ABA 2000 Biotechnology: our passport to the next millenium, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Center, 2-6 July 2000. Brisbane, Australia: Australian Biotechnology Association.
Basnayake, S. W. V., Whisson, S., Drenth, A., Maclean, D. J. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1999). Isolation and characterization of avirulence genes from phytophthora sojae. ComBio 99, Conrad Jupiters, Gold Coast, 27-30 September, 1999. Kent Town, SA: Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
Pearson, SJ, Chakraborty, S, Croft, BJ and Irwin, JAG (1996). Histopathology of Pachymetra chaunorhiza and Pythium arrhenomanes. International Symposium on Sugar 2000, Brisbane Australia, Aug 19-23, 1996. EAST MELBOURNE: C S I R O.
Cameron, D. F., Chakraborty, S., Davis, R. D., Edye, L. A., Irwin, J. A. G., Manners, J. M. and Staples, I. B. (1989). A multi-disciplinary approach to anthracnose diseases of Stylosanthes in Australia. XVI International Grassland Congress, Nice, France, 4-11 October 1989. Versailles Cedex, France: Association Francaise pour la Production Feurragere.
Cameron, D. F. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1986). Use of natural outcrossing to improve the anthracnose resistance of Stylosanthes guianensis. DSIR Plant Breeding Symposium 1986, Lincoln New Zealand, 1986. New Zealand: Agronomy Society of New Zealand : Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research.
Irwin, J. A. G., Cameron, D. F., Davis, R. D. and Lenne, J. M. (1986). Anthracnose problems with Stylosanthes. 3rd Australian conference on tropical pastures, Rockhampton, Qld Australia, 1985. St Lucia QLD Australia: Tropical Grassland Society of Australia.
Cameron, D. F. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1983). Inheritance of resistance to anthracnose disease in Stylosanthes guianensis. 8th Australian Plant Breeding Conference, Adelaide, SA Australia, 14th-18th February 1983. Glen Osmond, SA Australia: Australian Plant Breeding Conference Organizing Committee.
Miller, S. A., Irwin, J. A. G. and Maxwell, D. P. (1979). Alfalfa Seedling Assay for Detection of Resistance to Phytophthora Megasperma. 71st Annual Meeting of the American Phytopathological Society, Washington, DC, United States, 5-11 August 1979. ST PAUL: American Phytopathological Society.
Cameron, D. F., O'Brien, R. G. and Irwin, J. A. G. (1978). Screening species of Stylosanthes for resistance to anthracnose disease. Australian Society of Agronomy Inc Conference, Queensland Agricultural College, Lawes, Queensland, Australia, April 1980. Australian Society of Agronomy.