Emeritus Professor Dennis Poppi
Emeritus Professor
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
Animal Studies Building (8150), Room 109, Gatton campus

Teaching and Development
- ANIM2501 Applied Animal Nutrition and Grazing Management
- ANIM7014 Nutritional Science and Technology
- Honours and Course work Masters Research Projects
Book Chapters
Poppi, D. P. (2014). Live cattle export industry. Beef cattle production and trade. (pp. 235-249) edited by David Cottle and Lewis Kahn. Collingwood, VIC, Australia: CSIRO Publishing.
Poppi, Dennis P. (2011). Nutritional Constraints for Grazing Animals and the Importance of Selective Grazing Behaviour. Grassland productivity and ecosystem services. (pp. 19-26) edited by Gilles Lemaire, John Hodgson and Abad Chabbi. Wallingford, Oxen, United Kingdom: CABI.
Poppi, Dennis, Fordyce, Geoffry, Panjaitan, Tanda, Dahlanuddin and Quigley, Simon (2011). Case study 2: Developing an integrated production system for Bali cattle in the eastern islands of Indonesia. Beef production in crop-livestock systems: Simple approaches for complex problems. (pp. 57-82) Canberra, ACT, Australia: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research.
Duncan, A. J. and Poppi, D. P. (2008). Nutritional ecology of grazing and browsing ruminants. The Ecology of Browsing and Grazing. (pp. 89-116) edited by Gordon, I. J. and Prins, H. H. T.. Germany: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-72422-3
Poppi, D. P. (2008). The dilemma in models of intake regulation: Mechanistic or empirical. Mathematical Modelling in Animal Nutrition. (pp. 121-141) Oxfordshire, United Kingdom: CABI Publishing. doi: 10.1079/9781845933548.0121
Poppi, D. P. and McLenna, S. R. (2007). Otimizando o desempenho de bovinos em pastejo com suplementacao proteica e energetica. Requisitos de Qualidade na Bovinocultura de Corte. (pp. 163-181) edited by F. A. P. Santos, J. C. de Moura and V. P. de Faria. Piracicaba, Brazil: FEALQ.
Barber, D. G., Houlihan, A. V., Lynch, F. C. and Poppi, D. P. (2005). The influence of nutrition, genotype and stage of lactation on milk casein composition. Indicators of milk and beef quality. (pp. 203-216) edited by J. F. Hocquette and S. Gigli. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Ellis, W. C., Poppi, D. P. and Matis, J. H. (2000). Feed intake in ruminants: Kinetic aspects. Farm animal metabolism and nutrition. (pp. 335-364) edited by J. P. F. D'Mello. Wallingford, UK: CABI publishing.
Poppi, D. P., France, J. and McLennan, S. R. (2000). Intake, passage and digestibility. Feeding Systems and Feed Evaluation Models. (pp. 35-52) Wallingford, UK: CAB.
Journal Articles
Niethe, G., Quigley, S. P., Holmes, P. R., Callaghan, M. J., Schatz, T. J., Mclennan, S. R. and Poppi, D. P. (2025). Addressing productivity of supplementation of weaners and replacement females in the seasonally dry rangelands of northern Australia: a modelling approach. Animal Production Science, 65 (3). doi: 10.1071/AN24016
Dahlanuddin, , Kariyani, L. A., Panjaitan, T. S., Putra, R. A., Harper, K. J. and Poppi, D. P. (2024). Growth rate of male Bali cattle (Bos javanicus) fed leucaena and rice straw diets with increasing levels of cassava. Animal Production Science, 64 (13) AN24070. doi: 10.1071/an24070
Hidayat, Julian, Panjaitan, Tanda, Dahlanuddin,, Harper, Karen and Poppi, Dennis (2023). Utilising locally based energy supplements in leucaena and corn stover diets to increase the average daily gain of male Bali cattle and the income of smallholder farmers. Animal Production Science, 64 (1) 23217, 1-8. doi: 10.1071/an23217
Gunawan,, Winarti, E., Sofyan, A., Putridinanti, A. D., Andarwati, S., Noviandi, C. T., Agus, A., Harper, K. J. and Poppi, D. P. (2023). Improving growth rates of Ongole crossbred bulls by formulation and level of supplement of by-products. Animal Production Science, 64 (1) 23229, 1-6. doi: 10.1071/an23229
Cazzuli, Fiorella, Durante, Martín, Hirigoyen, Andrés, Sánchez, Javier, Rovira, Pablo, Beretta, Virginia, Simeone, Alvaro, Jaurena, Martín, Savian, Jean Victor, Poppi, Dennis, Montossi, Fabio, Lagomarsino, Ximena, Luzardo, Santiago, Brito, Gustavo, Velazco, José Ignacio, Lattanzi, Fernando Alfredo and Bremm, Carolina (2023). Beef cattle grazing native grasslands may follow three different supplement response patterns. Grasses, 2 (3), 168-184. doi: 10.3390/grasses2030014
Cazzuli, Fiorella, Bremm, Carolina, Jaurena, Martín, Poppi, Dennis, Durante, Martín, Benvenutti, Marcelo Adolfo, Savian, Jean Victor, Devincenzi, Thais, Rovira, Pablo, Lagomarsino, Ximena, Hirigoyen, Andrés and Lattanzi, Fernando A. (2023). The defoliation dynamics of a stockpiled native grassland pasture follow similar patterns between supplemented and unsupplemented beef calves. Grass and Forage Science, 78 (2), 306-316. doi: 10.1111/gfs.12608
Cazzuli, Fiorella, Sánchez, Javier, Hirigoyen, Andrés, Rovira, Pablo, Beretta, Virginia, Simeone, Alvaro, Jaurena, Martín, Durante, Martín, Savian, Jean Victor, Poppi, Dennis, Montossi, Fabio, Lagomarsino, Ximena, Luzardo, Santiago, Brito, Gustavo, Velazco, J. Ignacio, Bremm, Carolina and Lattanzi, Fernando A. (2023). Supplement feed efficiency of growing beef cattle grazing native Campos grasslands during winter: a collated analysis. Translational Animal Science, 7 (1) txad028, 1-14. doi: 10.1093/tas/txad028
Berça, Andressa Scholz, Cardoso, Abmael da Silva, Fonseca, Natália Vilas Boas, Poppi, Dennis P., Tedeschi, Luís Orlindo, Micheletti, Isabela Rita Coletti, Meireles, Willi Rocha, Ruggieri, Ana Cláudia and Reis, Ricardo Andrade (2023). Effect of diurnal feeding times and sources of energy supplementation to optimise rearing of F1 Angus × Nellore young bulls. Animal Production Science, 63 (6), 579-595. doi: 10.1071/an22075
Supriadi, Dedi, Panjaitan, Tanda, Dahlanuddin, Putra, Ryan Aryadin, Harper, Karen and Poppi, Dennis (2022). Liveweight gain response of Bali bulls fed leucaena and cassava peels to increasing levels of fermented corn stover in diets. Jurnal Triton, 13 (2), 197-205. doi: 10.47687/jt.v13i2.255
Winarti, E., Gunawan, Sofyan, A., Wirasti, C. A., Noviandi, C. T., Panjono, Agus. A., Harper, K. J. and Poppi, D. P. (2022). Improving live weight gain in Ongole crossbred bulls through processing of Gliricidia sepium leaf meal and cassava in a supplement concentrate. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 292 115401, 115401. doi: 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2022.115401
Kusmartono, Retnaningrum, S., Mashudi, Harper, K.J. and Poppi, D.P. (2022). Improving live weight gain of crossbred Limousin bulls with cassava peel silage. animal, 16 (5) 100524, 1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.animal.2022.100524
Leo-Penu, C. L. O., Beasley, A. M., Poppi, D. P., Norton, B. W., Eyre, K. E., McLennan, S. R. and Quigley, S. P. (2022). Liveweight gain and metabolisable energy requirements of young entire male Australian Rangeland goats in response to supplementation. Animal Production Science, 62 (11), 1020-1028. doi: 10.1071/an21509
Lwin, D. S., Williams, A., Barber, D. E., Benvenutti, M. A., Williams, B., Poppi, D. P. and Harper, K. J. (2022). Comparison of equations to predict the metabolisable energy content as applied to the vertical strata and plant parts of forage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor). Animal Production Science, 62 (11), 1006-1013. doi: 10.1071/an21510
Silva, Tiago A. C. C., Quigley, Simon P., Kidd, Lisa J., Anderson, Stephen T., McLennan, Stuart R., Schatz, Timothy J., McCosker, Kieren D. and Poppi, Dennis P. (2022). Growth and reproductive performance responses to post-weaning supplementation of early and normally-weaned Brahman crossbred heifers raised in tropical rangelands. PLoS One, 17 (2) e0263786, e0263786. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0263786
Winarti, E., Gunawan, , Putridinanti, A. D., Noviandi, C. T., Andarwati, S., Agus, A., Harper, K. J. and Poppi, D. P. (2022). Utilising Gliricidia sepium leaf meal as a protein substitute in cassava-based supplements to increase average daily gain of Ongole bulls and income of smallholder farmers. Animal Production Science, 62 (7), 676-681. doi: 10.1071/an21595
Kariyani, Luh Ade, Dahlanuddin, Panjaitan, Tanda, Putra, Ryan Aryadin, Harper, Karen and Poppi, Dennis (2021). Increasing the level of cassava chips or cassava pulp in leucaena based diets increases feed intake and live weight gain of Bali bulls. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 33 (9).
Poppi, Dennis P., Kusmartono, Kusmartono, Kasmyati, Kasmyati, Quigley, Simon P. and Harper, Karen J. (2021). Feeding strategies for improving ruminant productivity in the post-COVID 19 pandemic era particularly for small holders. Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan, 31 (1), 84-94. doi: 10.21776/ub.jiip.2021.031.01.11
Marsetyo, Sulendre, I. W., Takdir, M., Harper, K. J. and Poppi, D. P. (2021). Formulating diets based on whole cassava tuber (Manihot esculenta) and gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium) increased feed intake, liveweight gain and income over feed cost of Ongole and Bali bulls fed low quality forage in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Animal Production Science, 61 (8), 761-769. doi: 10.1071/an20297
Silva, Tiago A. C. C., Quigley, Simon P., Kidd, Lisa J., Anderson, Stephen T., McLennan, Stuart R. and Poppi, Dennis P. (2021). Effect of a high crude protein content diet during energy restriction and re-alimentation on animal performance, skeletal growth and metabolism of bone tissue in two genotypes of cattle. PLoS One, 16 (2) e0247718, e0247718. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0247718
Retnaningrum, S., Kusmartono, , Mashudi, , Harper, K.J. and Poppi, D.P. (2020). Formulating rations with cassava meal to promote high live weight gain in crossbred Limousin bulls. Animal, 15 (2) 100125, 1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.animal.2020.100125
Poppi, D. P., Gunawan, Antari, R. and Harper, K. J. (2020). Strategies to improve local beef cattle industry supply chains during the pandemic of Covid-19. Prosiding seminar nasional eknologi Peternakan dan Veteriner.
Cowley, Frances C., Syahniar, Theo M., Ratnawati, Dian, Mayberry, Dianne E., Marsetyo, Pamungkas, Dicky and Poppi, Dennis P. (2020). Greater farmer investment in well-formulated diets can increase liveweight gain and smallholder gross margins from cattle fattening. Livestock Science, 242 104297, 104297. doi: 10.1016/j.livsci.2020.104297
Teixeira, I. A. M. A. and Poppi, D. P. (2020). Editorial: The 9th international workshop on modelling nutrient digestion and utilisation in farm animals. animal, 14 (S2), s205-s206. doi: 10.1017/s175173112000169x
Costa, Diogo Fleury Azevedo, Quigley, Simon Paul, Isherwood, Peter, McLennan, Stuart Ross, Sun, Xiao Qiao, Gibbs, Steven James and Poppi, Dennis Paul (2020). Chlorella pyrenoidosa supplementation increased the concentration of unsaturated fatty acids in the rumen fluid of cattle fed a low-quality tropical forage. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 49 e20200042, 1-11. doi: 10.37496/rbz4920200042
Ison, K. A.D., Barber, D. G., Benvenutti, M. A., Kleinitz, N., Mayer, D. and Poppi, D. P. (2019). Defoliation dynamics, pasture intake and milk production of dairy cows grazing lucerne pastures in a partial mixed-ration system. Animal Production Science, 60 (1), 175-179. doi: 10.1071/AN18535
Costa, D. F. A., Quigley, S. P., Isherwood, P., McLennan, S. R., Sun, X. Q., Gibbs, S. J. and Poppi, D. P. (2019). Small differences in biohydrogenation resulted from the similar retention times of fluid in the rumen of cattle grazing wet season C3 and C4 forage species. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 253, 101-112. doi: 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2019.05.010
Raffrenato, E., Lombard, R., Erasmus, L. J., McNeill, D. M., Barber, D., Callow, M. and Poppi, D. P. (2018). Prediction of indigestible NDF in South African and Australian forages from cell wall characteristics. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 246, 104-113. doi: 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2018.08.009
Poppi, Dennis P., Quigley, Simon P., da Silva, Tiago Alves Correa Carvalho and McLennan, Stuart R. (2018). Challenges of beef cattle production from tropical pastures. Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia, 47 e20160419. doi: 10.1590/rbz4720160419
Costa, D. F. A., Quigley, S. P., Isherwood, P., McLennan, S. R., Sun, X. Q., Gibbs, S. J. and Poppi, D. P. (2017). The inclusion of low quantities of lipids in the diet of ruminants fed low quality forages has little effect on rumen function. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 234, 20-28. doi: 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2017.09.003
Tedeschi, Luis Orlindo, Fonseca, Mozart Alves, Muir, James Pierre, Poppi, Dennis P., Carstens, Gordon E., Angerer, Jay P. and Fox, Danny Gene (2017). A glimpse of the future in animal nutrition science. 2. Current and future solutions. Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia-Brazilian Journal of Animal Science, 46 (5), 452-469. doi: 10.1590/S1806-92902017000500012
McLennan, S. R., Bolam, M. J., Kidd, J. F., Chandra, K. A. and Poppi, D. P. (2017). Responses to various protein and energy supplements by steers fed low-quality tropical hay. 1. Comparison of response surfaces for young steers. Animal Production Science, 57 (3), 473-488. doi: 10.1071/AN15659
McLennan, S. R., Campbell, J. M., Pham, C. H., Chandra, K. A., Quigley, S. P. and Poppi, D. P. (2017). Responses to various protein and energy supplements by steers fed low-quality tropical hay. 2. Effect of stage of maturity of steers. Animal Production Science, 57 (3), 489-504. doi: 10.1071/AN15660
Bowen, M. K., Poppi, D. P. and McLennan, S. R. (2016). Effect of quantity and source of rumen nitrogen on the efficiency of microbial protein synthesis in steers consuming tropical forage. Animal Production Science, 58 (5), 811-817. doi: 10.1071/AN15739
Costa, D. F. A., Quigley, S. P., Isherwood, P., McLennan, S. R. and Poppi, D. P. (2016). Supplementation of cattle fed tropical grasses with microalgae increases microbial protein production and average daily gain. Journal of Animal Science, 94 (5), 2047-2058. doi: 10.2527/jas.2016-0292
Cowley, F. C., Barber, D. G., Houlihan, A. V. and Poppi, D. P. (2015). Immediate and residual effects of heat stress and restricted intake on milk protein and casein composition and energy metabolism. Journal of Dairy Science, 98 (4), 2356-2368. doi: 10.3168/jds.2014-8442
Panjaitan, T., Quigley, S. P., McLennan, S. R., Swain, A. J. and Poppi, D. P. (2015). Spirulina (Spirulina platensis) algae supplementation increases microbial protein production and feed intake and decreases retention time of digesta in the rumen of cattle. Animal Production Science, 55 (4), 535-543. doi: 10.1071/AN13146
Ratnawati, D., Cowley, F., Mayberry, D., Pamungkas, D. and Poppi, D. (2015). Concentrate supplementation for crossbred bulls to increase profitability of smallholder fattening operations in East Java, Indonesia. Indonesian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 20 (1), 41-47. doi: 10.14334/jitv.v20i1.1115
Tuyen, D. V., Tolosa, X. M., Poppi, D. P. and McLennan, S. R. (2015). Effect of varying the proportion of molasses in the diet on intake, digestion and microbial protein production by steers. Animal Production Science, 55 (1), 17-26. doi: 10.1071/AN13225
Benvenutti, M. A., Pavetti, D. R., Poppi, D. P., Gordon, I. J. and Cangiano, C. A. (2015). Defoliation patterns and their implications for the management of vegetative tropical pastures to control intake and diet quality by cattle. Grass and Forage Science, 71 (3), 424-436. doi: 10.1111/gfs.12186
Benvenutti, Marcelo A., Coates, David B., Bindelle, Jérôme, Poppi, Dennis P. and Gordon, Iain J. (2014). Can faecal markers detect a short term reduction in forage intake by cattle?. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 194, 44-57. doi: 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2014.05.002
Panjaitan, T., Quigley, S. P., McLennan, S. R., Swain, A. J. and Poppi, D. P. (2014). Digestion of forages in the rumen is increased by the amount but not the type of protein supplement. Animal Production Science, 54 (9), 1363-1367. doi: 10.1071/AN14326
Dahlanuddin, Ningsih, B. S., Poppi, D. P., Anderson, S. T. and Quigley, S. P. (2014). Long-term growth of male and female Bali cattle fed Sesbania grandiflora. Animal Production Science, 54 (10), 1615-1619. doi: 10.1071/AN14357
Quigley, S. P., Dahlanuddin, Marsetyo, Pamungkas, D., Priyanti, A., Saili, T., McLennan, S. R. and Poppi, D. P. (2014). Metabolisable energy requirements for maintenance and gain of liveweight of Bali cattle (Bos javanicus). Animal Production Science, 54 (9), 1311-1316. doi: 10.1071/AN14355
Antari, R., Ningrum, G. P., Mayberry, D. E., Marsetyo, Pamungkas, D., Quigley, S. P. and Poppi, D. P. (2014). Rice straw, cassava by-products and tree legumes provide enough energy and nitrogen for liveweight maintenance of Brahman (Bos indicus) cows in Indonesia. Animal Production Science, 54 (9), 1228-1232. doi: 10.1071/AN14335
Antari, R., Syahniar, T. M., Mayberry, D. E., Marsetyo, Pamungkas, D., Anderson, S. T. and Poppi, D. P. (2014). Evaluation of village-based diets for increasing the weight and condition of Ongole (Bos indicus) and Bali (Bos javanicus) cows in Indonesia. Animal Production Science, 54 (9), 1368-1373. doi: 10.1071/AN14165
Dahlanuddin, Yanuarianto, O., Poppi, D. P., McLennan, S. R. and Quigley, S. P. (2014). Liveweight gain and feed intake of weaned Bali cattle fed grass and tree legumes in West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Animal Production Science, 54 (7), 915-921. doi: 10.1071/AN13276
Jacobs, A. A. A., Scheper, J. A., Benvenutti, M. A., Gordon, I. J., Poppi, D. P. and Elgersma, A. (2013). Gradients in fracture force and grazing resistance across canopy layers in seven tropical grass species. Grass and Forage Science, 68 (2), 278-287. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2494.2012.00900.x
Dahlanuddin, Dahlanuddin, Yulianto, T. B., Priyanti, A., Poppi, D. P. and Quigley, S. P. (2012). Weaning and supplementation increase liveweight gain of Bali (Bos javanicus) cattle of small-holder farmers in Central Lombok, Indonesia. Journal of Animal Production, 14 (3), 173-179.
Jacobs, A. A. A., Scheper, J. A., Benvenutti, M. A., Gordon, I. J., Poppi, D. P. and Elgersma, A. (2011). Tensile fracture properties of seven tropical grasses at different phenological stages. Grass and Forage Science, 66 (4), 551-559. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2494.2011.00812.x
Mullik, Marthen Luther, Eyanoer, Putri C., Poppi, Dennis P. and McLennan, Stuart R. (2011). Energy and protein supplementation can improve liveweight gain of steers grazing good quality tropical pasture in the wet season. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology. A, 1 (7A), 1004-1012. doi: 10.17265/2161-6256/2011.11A.008
White, I. A., Hunt, L. P., Poppi, D. P. and Petty, S. R. (2010). Sampling requirements for predicting cattle diet quality using faecal near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (F.NIRS) in heterogeneous tropical rangeland pastures. The Rangeland Journal, 32 (4), 435-441. doi: 10.1071/RJ09021
Poppi, D. P. and McLennan, S. R. (2010). Nutritional research to meet future challengers. Animal Production Science, 50 (6), 329-338. doi: 10.1071/AN09230
Connors, M. T., Poppi, D. P. and Cant, J. P. (2010). Chronic improvement of amino acid nutrition stimulates initiation of global messenger ribonucleic acid translation in tissues of sheep without affecting protein elongation. Journal of Animal Science, 88 (2), 689-696. doi: 10.2527/jas.2009-1901
Saili, T., Marsetyo, Poppi, D. P., Isherwood, P., Nafiu, L. and Quigley, S. P. (2010). Effect of treatment of cocoa-pods with Aspergillus niger on liveweight gain and cocoa-pod intake of Bali (Bos sondaicus) cattle in South-East Sulawesi. Animal Production Science, 50 (7), 693-698. doi: 10.1071/AN09193
Panjaitan, T., Quigley, S. P., McLennan, S. R., Swain, T. and Poppi, D. P. (2010). Intake, retention time in the rumen and microbial protein production of Bos indicus steers consuming grasses varying in crude protein content. Animal Production Science, 50 (5-6), 444-448. doi: 10.1071/AN09197
Panjaitan, T., Quigley, S. P., McLennan, S. R. and Poppi, D. P. (2010). Effect of the concentration of Spirulina (Spirulina platensis) algae in the drinking water on water intake by cattle and the proportion of algae bypassing the rumen. Animal Production Science, 50 (5-6), 405-409. doi: 10.1071/AN09194
Phillips, N., Mottram, T., Poppi, D., Mayer, D. and McGowan, M. R. (2010). Continuous monitoring of ruminal pH using wireless telemetry. Animal Production Science, 50 (1), 72-77. doi: 10.1071/AN09027
Benvenutti, M. A., Gordon, I. J., Poppi, D. P., Crowther, R., Spinks, W. and Moreno, F. C. (2009). The horizontal barrier effect of stems on the foraging behaviour of cattle grazing five tropical grasses. Livestock Science, 126 (1-3), 229-238. doi: 10.1016/j.livsci.2009.07.006
Bowen, M. K., Poppi, D. R. and McLennan, S. R. (2009). Recovery of intravenously infused chromium EDTA and lithium sulphate in the urine of cattle and their use as markers to measure urine volume. Animal, 3 (4), 548-556. doi: 10.1017/S1751731108003765
Purdie, NG, Trout, DR, Cieslar, SRL, Madsen, TG, Poppi, DP and Cant, JP (2009). The effect of short-term hyperammonaemia on milk synthesis in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Research, 76 (1), 49-58. doi: 10.1017/S0022029908003634
Benvenutti, Marcelo A., Gordon, Iain J., Poppi, Dennis P., Crowther, Robert and Spinks, Warwick (2008). Foraging mechanics and their outcomes for cattle grazing reproductive tropical swards. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 113 (1-3), 15-31. doi: 10.1016/j.applanim.2007.10.005
M T Connors, D P Poppi and J P Cant (2008). Protein elongation rates in tissues of growing and adult sheep. Journal of Animal Science, 86 (9), 2288-2295. doi: 10.2527/jas.2007-0159
M. A. Benvenutti, I.J. Gordon and D.P. Poppi (2008). The effects of stem density of tropical swards and age of grazing cattle on their foraging behaviour. Grass And Forage Science, 63 (1), 1-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2494.2007.00609.x
N G Purdie, D R Trout, D P Poppi and J P Cant (2008). Milk Synthetic Response of the Bovine Mammary Gland to an increase in the Local Concentratioin of Amino Acids and Acetate. Journal of Dairy Science, 91 (1), 218-228. doi: 10.3168/jds.2007-0492
Damry, Marsetyo, Quigley, S. P. and Poppi, D. P. (2008). Strategies to enhance growth of weaned Bali (Bos sondaicus) calves of smallholders in Donggala district, Central Sulawesi. Animal Production, 10 (3), 135-139.
Klieve, A.V., Tolosa, M. X., Wilson, A. R. M., Poppi, D. P., Ouwerkerk, D. and McLennan, S. R. (2007). Linking rumen bacterial dynamics and dietary differences. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 23, 1-6.
Bowen, M. K., Poppi, D. P., McLennan, S. R. and Doogan, V. J. (2006). A comparison of the excretion rate of endogenous purine derivatives in the urine of Bos indicus and Bos taurus steers. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 57 (2), 173-177. doi: 10.1071/AR05182
Benvenutti, MA, Gordon, IJ and Poppi, DP (2006). The effect of the density and physical properties of grass stems on the foraging behaviour and instantaneous intake rate by cattle grazing an artificial reproductive tropical sward. Grass And Forage Science, 61 (3), 272-281. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2494.2006.00531.x
Café, L. M., deVega, A., Bolam, M. J., Poppi, D. P. and Taylor, D. G. (2004). Contralateral infusion of amino acids into the hind limb of lambs. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, 13 (Supplement 1), 381-384.
Ellis, W. C., Wylie, M. J., Herd, D., Lippke, H., Matis, J. H. and Poppi, D. P. (2003). A Kinetic Model of the Nutritional Regulation of Forage Intake and Fibre Utilisation by Ruminants. Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems, 3, 355-359.
Bowen, M. K., McCosker, K., McLennan, S. R. and Poppi, D. P. (2003). The development of a novel method to estimate microbial protein production in grazing Brahman crossbred cattle. Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems, 3, 365-367.
Dahlanuddin,, Poppi, D. P. and McLennan, S. R. (2003). Weaning strategies and microbial protein production in bali cattle. Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems, 3, 55-56.
Poppi, D. P., Ellis, W. C., Matis, J. H. and Lascano, C. E. (2001). Marker concentration patterns of labelled leaf and stem particles in the rumen of cattle grazing bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon) analysed by reference to a raft model. British Journal of Nutrition, 85 (5), 553-563. doi: 10.1079/BJN2001317
Holzknecht, R. K., Poppi, D. P. and Hales, J. W. (2000). Meringa cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata cv. Meringa) improve liveweight gain of cattle in late summer-early autumn in south-east Queensland. Tropical Grasslands, 34 (1), 38-42.
S.R.Petty S.R.PettyS.R.Petty S.PettyS. R.https://api.elsevier.com/content/author/author_id/7007177146 (1998). Effect of maize supplementation, seasonal temperature and humidity on the liveweight gain of steers grazing irrigated Leucaena leucocephala/Digitaria eriantha pastures in north-west Australia. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 130 (1), 95-105. doi: 10.1017/S0021859697004966
Warren, R. G., Poppi, D. P., Hales, J. W. and McLennan, S. R. (1998). Utilising temperate and tropical pastures and compensatory growth during winter to maximise growth in cattle. Tropical Grasslands, 32 (4), 264-269.
A.De Vega A.De VegaA.De Vega A.De VegaA.https://api.elsevier.com/content/author/author_id/55962079100 (1997). Extent of digestion and rumen condition as factors affecting passage of liquid and digesta particles in sheep. Journal of Agricultural Science, 128 (2), 207-215. doi: 10.1017/S0021859696004078
Poppi D.P. (1996). Predictions of food intake in ruminants from analyses of food composition. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 47 (4), 489-504. doi: 10.1071/AR9960489
Poppi D.P. and McLennan S.R. (1995). Protein and energy utilization by ruminants at pasture.. Journal of animal science, 73 (1), 278-290. doi: 10.2527/1995.731278x
Cafe, L. M. and Poppi, D. P. (1994). The Fate and Behaviour of Imbibed Water in the Rumen of Cattle. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 122 (1), 139-144. doi: 10.1017/S0021859600065886
Cruickshank, G. J., Poppi, D. P. and Sykes, A. R. (1992). The intake, digestion and protein degradation of grazed herbage by early-weaned lambs. British Journal of Nutrition, 68 (2), 349-364. doi: 10.1079/BJN19920094
Bown, M. D., Poppi, D. P. and Sykes, A. R. (1991). Nitrogen transactions along the digestive tract of lambs concurrently infected with Trichostrongylus colubriformis and Ostertagia circumcincta. British Journal of Nutrition, 66 (2), 237-249. doi: 10.1079/BJN19910028
Brown, M. D., Poppi, D. P. and Sykes, A. R. (1991). The effect of post-ruminal infusion of protein or energy on the pathophysiology of Trichostrongylus colubriformis infection and body composition in lambs. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 42 (2), 253-267. doi: 10.1071/AR9910253
Poppi, D. P., Minson, D. J. and Ternouth, J. H. (1981). Studies of cattle and sheep eating leaf and stem fractions of grasses. II.* Factors controlling the retention of feed in the reticulo-rumen. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 32 (1), 109-121. doi: 10.1071/AR9810109
Poppi, D.P. (1981). Studies of cattle and sheep eating leaf and stem fractions of grasses. 1. The voluntary intake, digestibility and retention time in the reticulo-rumen. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 32 (1), 99-108. doi: 10.1071/AR9810099
Poppi, D.P. (1981). Studies of cattle and sheep eating leaf and stem fractions of grasses. III.* The retention time in the rumen of large feed particles. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 32 (1), 123-137. doi: 10.1071/AR9810123
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Conference Papers
Fernandez, Elmer, Hudson, Nicholas, Innes, David, Quigley, Simon and Poppi, Dennis (2024). Impact of crude protein and phosphorus deficiencies on liver mitochondrial content and transcriptome in growing Merino wethers. 2024 ASAS Annual Meeting, Calgary, Canada, 21-25 July 2024. Cary, NC United States: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/jas/skae234.437
Poppi, D.P., Priyanti, A, Kusmartono, Marsetyo, Dahlanuddin, Panjaitan, T., Antari, R., Harper, K.J. and Quigley, S.P. (2021). Moving into more profitable beef production systems. The 4th International Seminar on Livestock Production and Veterinary Technology, Bogor, Indonesia, 6-7th September, 2021. Jakarta, Indonesia: IAARD press.
McCosker, K., Roberio, G., Mello, H., Quigley, S. P. and Poppi, D. P. (2021). Feed intake and live weight gain of Brahman steers fed diets containing cassava in the Northern Territory. 33rd Biennial Conference of the Australian Association of Animal Sciences, Fremantle, WA Australia, 1-3 February 2021. Orange, NSW Australia: Australian Association of Animal Science.
Innes, D. J., Hudson N. J., Anderson, S. T., Poppi, D. P. and Quigley, S. P. (2021). Feed intake is regulated by metabolic mechanisms in young wethers fed diets deficient in crude protein and phosphorus. 33rd Biennial Conference of the Australian Association of Animal Sciences, Fremantle, WA Australia, 1-3 Febraury 2021. Orange, NSW Australia: Australian Association of Animal Sciences.
Retnaningrum, S., Kusmartono, , Mashudi, , Harper, K. J. and Poppi, D. (2020). Effect of using different levels of cassava meal on nutrient intake, fiber digestibility and body condition score in crossbreed Limousin bulls. Animal Production International Seminar, Malang, Indonesia, 24-27 October 2019. Bristol, United Kingdom: Institute of Physics Publishing. doi: 10.1088/1755-1315/478/1/012065
Setiadi, D., Kusmartono, , Kasmiyati, , Mashudi, , Zakariya, A. Z., Harper, K. J. and Poppi, D. P. (2020). The Weight Gain and Growth of Crossbred Bulls Fed Locally Inspired Supplements Compared with Current Feeding Systems in Village Smallholdings in Malang, East Java. Animal Production International Seminar, Malang, Indonesia, 24-27 October 2019. Bristol, United Kingdom: Institute of Physics Publishing. doi: 10.1088/1755-1315/478/1/012037
Setiadi, Deni, Kasmiati, Kasmiati, Zakariya, Abu Z., Harper, Karen and Poppi, Dennis (2020). Cassava-based diets increase live weight gain of cross bred bulls in small fattening systems in Malang, East Java. The Third International Tropical Agriculture Conference TropAg 2019 , Brisbane, QLD Australia, 11–13 November 2019. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI. doi: 10.3390/proceedings2019036214
Sulendre, I. Wayan, Marsetyo, Marsetyo, Takdir, Muh, Harper, Karen and Poppi, Dennis Paulus (2020). High level of energy and protein supplementation effect on feed intake and liveweight gain of Bali bulls fed elephant grass. The Third International Tropical Agriculture Conference TropAg 2019 , Brisbane, QLD Australia, 11-13 November 2019. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI. doi: 10.3390/proceedings2019036091
Asrianto, N., Andarwati, S., Nurtini, S., Putridinanti, A. D., Gunawan, Harper, K. and Poppi, D. (2019). Increased of farmer's income through use cassava as main ingredient of beef cattle concentrate feed in Playen Subdistrict, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. The 8th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 23-25 September 2019. Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Marsetyo, Marsetyo, Sulendre, I.Wayan, Takdir, Moh, Harper, Karen and Poppi, Dennis (2019). Feed intake and liveweight gain of Bali bulls fed low quality forage supplemented wit increasing levels of cassava and gliricidia. International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology, Leipzig, Germany, 3-6 September 2019. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
Kusmartono, K., Surya, Retnaningrum, Mashudi, M., Harper, Karen and Poppi, Dennis (2019). Response of growing bulls to increasing levels of cassava meal in a concentrate maize stover diet. International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology, Leipzig, Germany, 3-6 September 2019. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
Harper, Karen , Zulu, Bonna, Isherwood, Peter and Poppi, Dennis (2019). The rate of disappearance of Hydrocyanic Acid (HCN) from cassava plant parts under drying or silage processing methods. International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology, Leipzig, Germany, 3-6 September 2019. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/S2040470019000037
Harper, Karen, Quigley, Simon P., Antari, Risa, Dahlanuddin,, Panjaitan, Tanda Sahat, Marsetyo, and Poppi, Dennis P. (2019). Energy supplements for leucaena. International Leucaena Conference (ILC), Brisbane, Australia, 29 October-3 November 2018. Cali, Colombia: Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT). doi: 10.17138/TGFT(7)182-188
Mahmoudi, M., Jeanes, A., Kidd, L., Poppi, D., Quigley, S. and Hudson, N. J. (2019). Development of a molecular assay to estimate mitochondrial content in cattle tissues. 6th EAAP International Symposium on Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 9-12 September 2019. The Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers. doi: 10.3920/978-90-8686-891-9_122
Putridinanti, A. D., Noviandi, C. T., Gunawan, Agus, A., Harper, K. and Poppi, D. (2019). A comparison of three highly fermentable carbohydrate sources (corn, cassava powder or cassava pulp) on in vitro digestion. The 8th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 23–25 September 2019. Bristol, United Kingdom: Institute of Physics Publishing. doi: 10.1088/1755-1315/387/1/012106
Innes, David, Poppi, Dennis, Anderson, Stephen, Hudson, Nicholas, Kidd, Lisa, Antari, Risa and Quigley, Simon (2019). Differential gene expression in three regions of the hypothalamus of steers with different protein and energy intake. International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology, Leipzig, Germany, 6-9 September 2019. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/S2040470019000037
Quigley, S.P., Antfalo, K., Waldron, S., Boe, S., Navian, M., Sul, J., Nasse, A., Natapu, J., Rihai, N., Poppi, D.P., Cox, K., Kalo, N., Moses, N., Bong, L., Rantes, J., Gregory, A., Higgins, S. and Addinsall, C. (2017). Use of mobile technologies for research and engagement of smallholder cattle farmers in Vanuatu. International Tropical Agriculture Conference, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 20-22 November 2017.
Bowen, M. K. , Poppi, D. P. and McLennan, S. R. (2017). Efficiency of rumen microbial protein synthesis in cattle grazing tropical pastures as estimated by a novel technique. Clayton, VIC, Australia: C S I R O Publishing. doi: 10.1071/AN15535
Dahlanuddin, D., Supriyadi, M., Panjaitan, T. S., Poppi, D. P. and Quigley, S. P. (2016). Increased body condition during lactation increases milk production and pre-weaning growth of Bali cattle. ASAS-ADSA-CSAS-WSASAS Joint Annual Meeting 2016, Salt Lake City, UT United States, 19-23 July 2016. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.2527/jam2016-0830
Kidd, L. J., Dixon, R. M., Quigley, S. P., McNeill, D. M., Poppi, D. P., Castells, L., Fletcher, M. T., Goodwin, K. L. and Anderson, S. T. (2016). The use of serial bone biopsies to investigate phosphorus deficiency in growing, pregnant and lactating cattle. Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society, Gold Coast, QLD Australia, 24-28 August 2016.
Harper, K. J., Barber, D., Callow, M., McNeill, D. M and Poppi, D. P. (2014). Assessment of the iNDF of subtropical pastures. Herbivores 2014: 1st Joint International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores / International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology (Joint ISNH/ISRP International Conference 2014) held in conjunction with the 30th Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 8-12 September, 2014. Toowong, QLD, Australia: The Australian Society of Animal Production.
Harper, K. J., Isherwood, P., Barber, D., Callow, M., McNeill, D. M. and Poppi, D. P. (2014). Prediction of iNDF of subtropical forages by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Herbivores 2014: 1st Joint International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores / International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology (Joint ISNH/ISRP International Conference 2014) held in conjunction with the 30th Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 8-12 September, 2014. Toowong, QLD, Australia: The Australian Society of Animal Production.
Campbell, Angus, Hanks, J., Henning, J., Quigley, S., Naing Oo, K., Aung, A., Stür, W., Myint Thein, W., Myint, Y. Y., Min Latt, Z., Zaw Win, T. T., Naing Oo, L., Min Thein, S. and Poppi, D. (2014). Ruminant production research in the central dry zone of Myanmar. WBC 2014: XXVIII World Buiatrics Congress, Cairns, QLD, Australia, 27 July–1 August, 2014. Saint Leonards, NSW, Australia: Australian Veterinary Association.
Myint Thein, W., Naing Oo, K., Naing Oo, L., Zaw Win, T. T., Henning, J., Campbell, A. and Poppi, D. (2014). Livestock production systems in the central dry zone of Myanmar. 16th Asian Australasian Animal Production, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 10-14 November 2014.
Mayberry, D. E., Syahniar, T. M., Antari, R., Ningrum, G. P., Marsetyo, Pamungkas, D. and Poppi, D. P. (2014). Predicting feed intake and liveweight gain of Ongole (Bos indicus) cattle in Indonesia. 8th International Workshop on Modelling Nutrient Digestion and Utilisation in Farm Animals, Cairns, QLD Australia, 15 - 17 September 2014. Clayton, VIC Australia: C S I R O Publishing. doi: 10.1071/AN14538
Tambunan, R. D., Suminah, Mayberry, D. E., Fordyce, G. and Poppi, D. P. (2013). Reproductive performance of Brahman cows kept by smallholder farmers in Indonesia. Northern Beef Research Update Conference, Cairns, QLD Australia, 12-15 August 2013. North Australian Beef Research Council.
Costa, D. F. A., Isherwood, P., Quigley, S. P., McLennan, S. R., De Souza, J., Gibbs, J., Sun, X. Q. and Poppi, D. P. (2013). Effect of lipid source on fatty acid profile in the rumen of cattle fed a tropical hay. JAM 2013: Joint ADSA-ASAS Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, U.S.A., 8-12 July, 2013. Savoy, IL, United States: American Society of Animal Science.
Dollemore, W., Quigley, S. P., Poppi, D. P. and McCosker, K. (2013). Change in liveweight of non-pregnant, mature Bos indicus cows of different lactational status over the dry season. Northern Beef Research Update Conference 2013, Cairns, QLD, Australia, 12-15 August, 2013.
Gonzalez-Rivas, P., Isherwood, P., Callaghan, M., Quigley, S. P., Begg, S. and Poppi, D. P. (2013). In vitro phosphorus solubility of different sources of phosphorus for cattle. Northern Beef Research Update Conference 2013, Cairns, QLD, Australia, 12-15 August, 2013.
Kidd, L. I., Quigley, S. P., McLennan, S. R. and Poppi, D. P. (2013). The effect of crude protein content or level of metabolisable energy intake on skeletal growth of Bos indicus cross bred and Holstein steers. Northern Beef Research Update Conference 2013, Cairns, QLD, Australia, 12-15 August, 2013.
Harper, K. J., Panjaitan, T., Gulino, L.-M., Kleive, A. V., Quigley, S. P. and Poppi, D. P. (2013). The effects of spirulina algae supplementation on the rumen microbial community of beef cattle. Northern Beef Research Update Conference 2013, Cairns, QLD, Australia, 12-15 August, 2013.
Costa, D. F. A., Isherwood, P., Quigley, S. P., McLennan, S. R., De Souza, J., Gibbs, J., Sun, X. Q. and Poppi, D. P. (2013). The fatty acid profile and retention time in the rumen of cattle grazing tropical grasses. JAM 2013: Joint ADSA-ASAS Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, U.S.A., 8-12 July, 2013.
Poppi, Dennis Paul, Costa, Diogo Fleury Azevedo, McLennan, Stuart, Quigley, Simon and Klieve, Athol (2013). Microbial protein production from tropical forages. 50th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Animal Science, Campinas, SP, Brazil, 24-26 July 2013. Piracicaba, SP, Brazil: Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia.
Harper, K. J., Costa, D .F. A., Gulino, L.-M., Klieve, A. V., McLennan, S. R., Quigley, S. P. and Poppi, D. P. (2013). The association between liveweight gain and rumen microbial diversity in cattle. Northern Beef Research Update Conference 2013, Cairns, QLD, Australia, 12-15 August, 2013.
Antari, R., Syahniar, T. M., Marestyo, Mayberry, D. E., Pamungkas, D. and Poppi, D. P. (2012). Strategies for increasing body condition score of Ongole and Bali cows in Indonesian villages. 2nd Australian and New Zealand Societies of Animal Production Joint Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2-5 July 2012. Collingwood, VIC, Australia: Australian Society of Animal Production.
McNeill, D. M., Anderson, S. T., Quigley, S. P., Kidd, L. J., Gout, C. R., Moate, P. J. and Poppi, D. P. (2012). Can long-term differences in phosphorus nutrition affect glucose homeostasis in growing steers?. 2nd Australian and New Zealand Societies of Animal Production Joint Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2-5 July 2012. Collingwood, VIC, Australia: Australian Society of Animal Production.
Costa, D., Isherwood, P., Quigley, S. P. and Poppi, D. P. (2012). Microbial protein production and rumen function in Bos indicus cattlefed algae and cottonseed meal. 2nd Australian and New Zealand Societies of Animal Production Joint Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2-5 July 2012. Collingwood, VIC, Australia: Australian Society of Animal Production.
Quigley, S. P., Anderson, S. T., Poppi, D. P., Isherwood, P., Costa, D. and Nattrass, G. S. (2012). Gene expression in the arcuate nuclei of sheep fed diets of variable protein and energy content. 2nd Australian and New Zealand Societies of Animal Production Joint Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2-5 July 2012. Collingwood, VIC, Australia: Australian Society of Animal Production.
Quigley, S. P., Poppi, D. P., Anderson, S.T., Isherwood, P., Costa, D. and Nattrass, G. S. (2012). Gene expression in the liver of sheep fed diets of different protein and energy content. 2nd Australian and New Zealand Societies of Animal Production Joint Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2-5 July 2012. Collingwood, VIC, Australia: Australian Society of Animal Production.
Quigley, S. P., Dahlanuddin, Poppi, D. P., Susmaningsih, B. R., Ali, M. and Nattrass, G. S. (2012). Sexual dimorphism and coat colour in Bali cattle. 2nd Australian and New Zealand Societies of Animal Production Joint Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2-5 July 2012. Collingwood, VIC, Austalia: Australian Society of Animal Production.
McLennan, Stuart and Poppi, Dennis P. (2012). Application of nutrient requirement systems to grazing cattle, with and without supplements. VIII Simpósio Internacional de Produção de Gado de Corte (VIII SIMCORTE), Vicosa, Brazil, 7-9 June 2012. Viscosa, Brazil: Federal University of Viscosa.
Martinez, E. D., Turnbull, K. E., Quigley, S. P., Streeter, S.J., Swain, A., Klieve, A. V., Ouwerkerk, D. and Poppi, D. P. (2012). Liquid-phase denaturant gradient gel electrophoresis profiles of rumen bacteria from Brahman cross steers selected into two groups on the basis of post-weaning liveweight gain on low crude protein pasture. 2nd Australian and New Zealand Societies of Animal Production Joint Conference, Lincoln, New Zealand, 2-5 July 2012. Collingwood, VIC, Australia: CSIRO. doi: 10.1071/AN11234
Marsetyo, Damry, Quigley, S. P., McLennan, S. R. and Poppi, D. P. (2012). Liveweight gain and feed intake of weaned Bali cattle fed a range of diets in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. 2nd Australian and New Zealand Societies of Animal Production Joint Conference, Lincoln, New Zealand, 2-5 July 2012. Collingwood, VIC, Australia: CSIRO. doi: 10.1071/AN11285
Petty, S. R. and Poppi, D. P. (2012). The liveweight gain response of heifers to supplements of molasses or maize while grazing irrigated Leucaena leucocephala/Digitaria eriantha pastures in north-west Australia. 2nd Australian and New Zealand Societies of Animal Production Joint Conference, Lincoln, New Zealand, 2-5 July 2012. Collingwood, VIC, Australia: CSIRO. doi: 10.1071/AN11242
DE Vega, A. and Poppi, D.P. (2012). The effect of sucrose addition on intake of a tropical grass hay by sheep. 2nd Australian and New Zealand Societies of Animal Production Joint Conference, Lincoln, New Zealand, 2-5 July 2012. Collingwood, VIC, Australia: CSIRO. doi: 10.1071/AN11244
Syahniar, T. M., Antari, R., Pamungkas, D., Marsetyo, Mayberry, D. E. and Poppi, D. P. (2012). The level of tree legumes required to meet the maintenance energy requirements of Ongole (Bos indicus) cows fed rice straw in Indonesia. 2nd Australian and New Zealand Societies of Animal Production Joint Conference, Lincoln, New Zealand, 2-5 July 2012. Collingwood, VIC, Australia: CSIRO. doi: 10.1071/AN11280
Costa, Diogo Fleury A., Poppi, Dennis P. and McLennan, Stuart R. (2012). Beef cattle production in northern Australia - Management and supplementation strategies (Bovinocultura de corte do norte da Austrália - Estratégias de manejo e suplementação). 7th International Congress on Beef Cattle, São Pedro, SP, Brazil, 19-21 December 2012. Sao Pedro: FEALQ.
Farmer, T., Cowley, T., Streeter, S. J., Perkins, N., Quigley, S. P. and Poppi, D. P. (2011). Live weight gain of weaner steers selected on growth rate after weaning and fed Cavalcade (Centrosema pascuroum) or Mekong grass (Brachiaria brizantha) hay. Northern Beef Research Update Conference (NBRUC 2011), Darwin, NT, Australia, 2 - 5 August 2011.
Martinez, E. D., Quigley, S., Streeter, S., Poppi, D. P., Swain, T., Klieve, A. V. and Ouwerkerk, D. (2011). Relationship between rumen bacterial populations and post-weaning live weight gain in steers selected on different growth rates in the Northern Territory. Northern Beef Research Update Conference, Darwin, Australia, 2 - 5 August 2011.
Affandhy, L., Dikman, D.M., Wahyudi, T., Cahyono, D.B., Mayberry, D.E., Fordyce, G. and Poppi, D.P. (2011). Reproductive performance of Ongole cows in Indonesian villages. Northern Beef Research Update Conference, Darwin, NT, Australia, 3-4 August 2011. Park Ridge, Qld, Australia: North Australia Beef Research Council.
Mayberry, D., Antari, R., Syahniar, T., Pamungkas, D., Marsetyo and Poppi, D. (2011). The effect of feeding rice straw and tree legumes on liveweight maintenance of mature Ongole cows (Bos indicus) in Indonesia. Eighth International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores (ISNH8), Aberystwyth, Wales, 6-9 September 2011. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
McLennan, Stuart R. and Poppi, Dennis P. (2011). Recent advances in nutrition for improving liveweight gain. Northern Beef Research Update Conference., Darwin, Australia, 3-4 August, 2011. Darwin, N.T., Australia: North Australia Beef Research Council.
Costa, D. F. A., Isherwood, P. I., Quigley, S. P., Vieira, B. V. and Poppi, D. P. (2011). Intake and digestibility of spear grass hay by steers supplemented with algae. Northern Beef Research Update Conference (NBRUC 2011), Darwin, NT, Australia, 2-5 August 2011.
Martinez, E. D., Kidd, J., Swain, T., Klieve, A. V., Ouwerkerk, D. and Poppi, D. P. (2011). Comparative analysis between microscopic count and molecular-based DGGE approaches to examine ruminal protozoal community diversity. Eighth International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores (ISNH8), Aberystwyth, Wales, 6-9 September 2011. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
Pham, C. H., Quigley, S. P., Isherwood, P., McLennan, S. R. and Poppi, D. P. (2010). Growth of young and mature cattle fed ryegrass haylage or concentrate based diets. Australian Society of Animal Production 28th Biennial Conference, Armidale, New South Wales, 11-15 July 2010. Park Ridge, Qld, Australia: The Australian Society of Animal Production - ASAP.
Dove, Hugh, McLennan, Stuart and Poppi, Dennis (2010). Application of nutrient requirement schemes to grazing animals. 4th Grazing Livestock Nutrition Conference, Estes Park, CO, U.S.A., July 9-10, 2010.
Martínez, E. D., Klieve, A. V., Ouwerkerk, D., Swain, T., Gulino, L. M., Turnbull, K. and Poppi, D. P. (2010). Between animal variance in ruminal bacteria and protozoal communities from DGGE profiles of steers on low quality forage diets. 28th Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production, The University of New England, Armidale, N.S.W., Australia, 11-15 July 2010. Park Ridge, Qld., Australia: The Australian Society of Animal Production.
Harper, K. J., Klieve, A.V., Panjaitan, T., Poppi, D. P. and Ouwerkerk, D. (2010). Changes in the rumen bacterial community in steers fed with supplemented tropical pasture. 28th Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production, Armidale, N.S.W., Australia, 11-15 July 2010. Parkridge, Qld., Australia: Australian Society of Animal Production.
Bowen, M. K., Poppi, D. P. and McLennan, S. R. (2010). Rumen degradability of a tropical grass hay in cattle grazing different pasture types. 28th Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production, Armidale, N.S.W., Australia, 11 - 15 July 2010. Park Ridge, Qld., Australia: Australian Society of Animal Production.
Bowen, M. K., Poppi, D. P. and McLennan, S. R. (2010). Rumen degradability of tropical pasture leaf in cattle grazing different pasture types. 28th Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production, Armidale, N.S.W., Australia, 11-15 July 2010. Parkridge, Qld., Australia: Australian Society of Animal Production.
Costa, D. F. A., Isherwood, P. I., McLennan, S. R., Poppi, D. P. and Quigley, S. P. (2010). Chemical composition and In vitro degradability of various algae species and protein supplements commonly fed to ruminants. 28th Australian Society of Animal Production Biennial Conference, University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales, 11-15 July 2010. Armidale NSW, Australia: Australian Society of Animal Production.
Saili, T., Marsetyo, Poppi, D. P., Isherwood, P., Nafiu, L. and Quigley, S. P. (2010). Effect of treatment of cocoa-pods with Aspergillus niger on liveweight gain and cocoa-pod intake of Bali (Bos sondaicus) cattle in Southeast Sulawesi. 28th Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production, Armidale, NSW, Australia, 11-15 July 2010.
Dalgliesh, N. P., Nulik, J., Quigley, S. P., Poppi, D. P., Suek, J., Darbas, T. and Budisantoso, E. (2010). The use of forage legumes in cereal cropping systems in eastern Indonesia. Food Security from Sustainable Agriculture. Proceedings of the 15th Australian Society of Agronomy Conference, Lincoln University, New Zealand, 15-18 November 2010.
Natrass, G. S., Dahlanuddin, Poppi, D. P. and Quigley, S. P. (2009). Sexual dimorphism of genes regulating skeletal muscle growth in Bali cattle. 18th Conference of the Association for Advancement in Animal Breeding and Genetics, Barossa Valley, Australia, 28 September - 1 October 2009. Roseworthy, S.A., Australia: Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics.
Matthews, R. A,, Fordyce, G, and Poppi, D. P. (2008). Nutritional management of skeletal bone growth in cattle in the dry tropics. Australian and New Zealand Societies of Animal Production First Joint Conference (2008 ANZSAP), St. Lucia, Queensland, 23 - 27 June 2008. St. Lucia, Brisbane, Australia: Australian Society of Animal Production.
Bowen, M. K., Kidd, J. F., McLennan, S. R. and Poppi, D. P. (2008). Protozoal concentrations in the rumen of cattle grazing tropical,pastures. Australian and New Zealand Societies of Animal Production First Joint Conference (2008 ANZSAP), St. Lucia, Queensland, 23 - 27 June 2008. St. Lucia, Brisbane, Australia: Australian Society of Animal Production.
Panjaitan, T., Quigley, S. P., McLennan, S. R., Swain, T. and Poppi, D. P. (2008). The intake, retention time in the rumen of grasses varying in crude protein content fed to Bos indicus steers. Australian and New Zealand Societies of Animal Production First Joint Conference (2008 ANZSAP), St. Lucia, Queensland, 23 - 27 June 2008. St. Lucia, Brisbane, Australia: Australian Society of Animal Production.
Anstis, A. R., Cowley, F. C., Barber, D. G. and Poppi, D. P. (2008). Long term impact of the plane of nutrition on milk protein production. Australian and New Zealand Societies of Animal Production First Joint Conference (2008 ANZSAP), St. Lucia, Queensland, 23 - 27 June 2008. St. Lucia, Brisbane, Australia: Australian Society of Animal Production.
Benvenutti, M. A., Gordon, I. J., Poppi, D. P. and Moreno, F. C. (2008). How stems affect forage intake rate and selectivity by cattle grazing tropical grasses. Australian and New Zealand Societies of Animal Production First Joint Conference (2008 ANZSAP), St. Lucia, Queensland, 23 - 27 June 2008. St. Lucia, Brisbane, Australia: Australian Society of Animal Production.
Cowley, F. C., Barber, D. G., Houlihan, A. V. and Poppi, D. P. (2008). Metabolic effects of heat stress and restricted intake on the lactating cow. Australian and New Zealand Societies of Animal Production First Joint Conference (2008 ANZSAP), St. Lucia, Queensland, 23 - 27 June 2008. St. Lucia, Brisbane, Australia: Australian Society of Animal Production.
Bevan, B. A., Wang, Y. H., Quigley, S. P., Poppi, D. P. and Pethick, D. W. (2008). Optimisation of in vitro conditions for the differentiation of primary stromal vascular cells from Wagyu cattle. Australian and New Zealand Societies of Animal Production First Joint Conference (2008 ANZSAP), St. Lucia, Queensland, 23 - 27 June 2008. St. Lucia, Brisbane, Australia: Australian Society of Animal Production.
Wilson, A.R., Klieve, A. V., Poppi, D. P., Ouwerkerk, D., McLennan, S. R., Panjaitan, T. and Kidd, J. R. (2008). Bacterial population dynamics within the rumen of Bos indicus cattle as demonstrated through denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis. ISME12: Twelfth International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, 17-22 August, 2008. International Society for Microbial Ecology.
Wilson, A.R., Klieve, A. V., Ouwerkerk, D., Poppi, D. P., McLennan, S. R. and Panjaitan, T. (2008). Bacterial population dynamics in cattle fed pasture of varying nutritive value. 27th Australian Society of Animal Production Biennial Conference, Brisbane, Australia, June, 2007. Armidale. N.S.W: Australian Society of Animal Production.
Marsetyo, Quigley, S. P. and Poppi, D. P. (2008). Effect of Aspergillus niger and urea on the crude protein and neutral dethergent fibre content of cocoa-pods in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Australian and New Zealand Societies of Animal Production First Joint Conference (2008 ANZSAP), St. Lucia, Queensland, 23 - 27 June 2008. St. Lucia, Brisbane, Australia: Australian Society of Animal Production.
Turnbull, K. E., Quigley, S. P., Kidd, J. F., McLennan, S. R. and Poppi, D. P. (2008). Differences in utilization of low-quality hay between cattle selected on growth rate after weaning. 2008 Australia and New Zealand Societies of Animal Production First Joint Conference, University of Qld, Brisbane, Australia, 23-27June 2008. Australian Society of Animal Production.
Phillips, N. J., Mottram, T., Lowe, J., Poppi, D. and McGowan, M. R. (2008). Monitoring ruminal pH by datalogger using wireless telemetry. Australian and New Zealand Societies of Animal Production First Joint Conference (2008 ANZSAP), St. Lucia, Queensland, 24-27 June 2008. St. Lucia, Brisbane, Australia: Australian Society of Animal Production.
S R Petty and Poppi, Dennis P. (2008). Effect of muddy conditions in the field on the liveweight gain of cattle consuming Leucaena leucocephala-Digitaria eriantha pastures in north-west Australia. Australia: CSIRO. doi: 10.1071/EA07416
Bowen, M. K., Poppi, D. P. and McLennan, S. R. (2008). Ruminal protein degradability of a range of tropical pastures. Melbourne, Australia: CSIRO Pubishing. doi: 10.1071/EA07414
Klieve, A.V., Tolosa, M. X., Wilson, A.R.M., Poppi, D. P., Ouwerkerk, D. and McLennan, S. R. (2007). Principles of rumen microbiology to optimize carbohydrate and nitrogen fermentation. Canadian Nutrition Congress, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 18-21 June, 2007.
McLennan, S. R. and Poppi, D. P. (2007). Supplementation - getting bang for buck. Northern Beef Research Update Conference 2007, Townsville, 21-22 March, 2007. Australia: North Australia Beef Research Council.
Poppi, D. P. and McLennan, S. R. (2007). Nutrition R&D: Past, present and future. Northern Beef Research Update Conference 2007, Townsville, 21-22 March, 2007. Australia: North Australia Beef Research Council.
Wilson, A.R.M., Panjaitan, T., Klieve, A. V., Poppi, D. P., Ouwerkerk, D. and Kidd, J. F. (2006). Bacterial dynamics within the rumen of Bos indicus cattle as demonstrated through DGGE analysis. Eleventh International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Vienna, Austria, 20-25 August, 2006.
Kidd, J. F., Klieve, A. V., Ouwerkerk, D., Panjaitan, T., Poppi, D. P. and Wilson, A.R.M. (2006). Bacterial population dynamics within the rumen of Bos indicus cattle as demonstrated through denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis. ASM 2006 National Conference, Gold Coast , Australia, 2-6 July, 2006. Australian Society for Microbiology.
Cowley, F. C., Barber, D. G., Houlihan, V. and Poppi, D. P. (2005). Seasonal variation in casein fractions in two differently managed dairy herds. Showcasing Faculty research through our postgraduates, Gatton, Qld, 8th December 2005. Gatton, Qld: NRAVS Faculty.
Tolosa, M.X., Dinh Van, T., Klieve, A. V., Ouwerkerk, D., Poppi, D. P. and McLennan, S. R. (2005). Molecular profiling of rumen bacteria in steers fed high molasses diets. What’s New in Animal Science: The Second Queensland Branch Conference, Rockhampton, Queensland, 2005.
Tolosa Alvarez, M., Dinh, V., Klieve, A. V., Ouwerkerk,, Poppi, D. P. and McLennan, S. R. (2005). Molecular profiling of dominant rumen bacteria in cattle fed molasses. Showcasing Faculty research through our postgraduates, Gatton, Qld, 8th December 2005. Gatton, Qld: NRAVS Faculty.
Tolosa, M. X., Dinh Van, T., Klieve, A. V., Ouwerkerk, D., Poppi, D. P. and McLennan, S. R. (2004). Effect of molasses diets on population profiles of rumen bacteria. Fourth Joint INRA-RRI Symposium. Gut Microbiology: Concerns and Responses to Food Safety, Health and Environmental Issues, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 21-23 June, 2004. Paris, France: E D P Sciences.
Tolosa, M. X., Dinh Van, T., Klieve, A. V., Ouwerkerk, D., Poppi, D. P. and McLennan, S. R. (2004). Molecular characterisation of rumen bacterial populations in cattle fed molasses diets. 25th Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production: The New Realities - Animal Production in Australia, Melbourne, Victoria, 4-8 July 2004. Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia: The Australian Society of Animal Production.
Barber, D.G., Gobius, N.R., Hannah, I.J.C. and Poppi, D. P. (2004). The use of regression tree analysis to identify interactions between on-farm factors affecting milk protein content.. The New Realities - Animal Production in Australia, Melbourne, Victoria, 4-8 July, 2004. Australia: The Australian Society of Animal Production Inc..
Gibbs, S. J., Coates, D.B., Poppi, D. P., McLennan, S. R. and Dixon, R.M. (2004). The use of faecal near infra-red spectroscopy to predict microbial protein production in cattle. The New Realities - Animal Production in Australia, Melbourne, Victoria, 4-8 July, 2004. Australia: The Australian Society of Animal Production Inc..
Dinh, T. V., Tolosa, X., Edgecumbe, C., Poppi, D. P., McLennan, S. R. and Klieve, A. V. (2004). Effect of varying the proportion of molasses and low quality hay in the diet on digestion and microbial protein production by steers. 25th Australian Society of Animal Production Bbiennial Conference, Melbourne, 4-8 July 2004. Australia: The Australian Society of Animal Production Inc..
Cafe, L. M., DeVega, A., Bolam, M. J., Poppi, D. P. and Taylor, D. G. (2004). Contra-lateral infusion of amino acids into the hind limb of lambs. Polish Academy of Science. doi: 10.22358/jafs/73942/2004
Fordyce, Geoffry, Panjaitan, Tanda and Poppi, Dennis (2003). Management to facilitate genetic improvement of Bali cattle in Eastern Indonesia. Workshop on Strategies to Improve Bali Cattles in Eastern Indonesia, Bali, Indonesia, 4-7 February 2002. Canberra, Australia: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research.
Tolosa, X., Tuyen, D. V., Klieve, A. V., Poppi, D. P., McLennan, S. R., Kidd, J. F., Ouwerkerk, D. and Maguire, A. J. (2003). Effect of diet type on rumen microbial populations. 2003 Microbiology - Art in Science, Auckland, New Zealand, 28 September - 2 October, 2003. New Zealand: Australian Society for Microbiology Inc..
Tuyen, D.V., Tolosa, X., Edgecumbe, C., Poppi, D. P., McLennan, S. R., Kidd, J. F. and Klieve, A. V. (2003). Effect of varying the proportion of molasses and low quality hay in the diet on digestion and microbial protein production by steers. What’s New in Animal Science: The First Queensland Branch Conference, St. Lucia, Queensland, 2003. St. Lucia, Queensland: Australian Society of Animal Production, St. Lucia, Queensland.
Tolosa, X., Tuyen, D. V., Klieve, A. V., Poppi, D. P., McLennan, S. R. and Ouwerkerk, D. (2003). Effect of diet type on rumen microbial populations. What’s New in Animal Science: The First Queensland Branch Conference, St. Lucia, Queensland, 2003. St. Lucia, Queensland: Australian Society of Animal Production, St. Lucia, Queensland.
Gibbs, S.J., Coates, D.B., Poppi, D. P., McLennan, S. R. and Dixon, R.M. (2002). The use of faecal near infra-red spectroscopy to predict dietary digestibility and crude protein content for cattle fed supplements. ASAP 24th Biennial Conference, Adelaide, South Australia, 7-11 July 2002. Adelaide, South Australia: Australian Society of Animal Production.
Marsetyo,, Poppi, D. P. and McLennan, S. R. (2002). The effect of whole cottonseed on intake, digestion and microbial protein production in cattle fed rhodes grass hay. ASAP 24th Biennial Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 7-11 July, 2002. Adelaide: Australian Society of Animal Production.
Barber, D.G., Gobius, N., Hannah, I., Poppi, D. P. and Cant, J. P. (2002). The effect of calving season and stage of lactation on the milk protein concentration of Queensland dairy farms. ASAP 24th Biennial Conference, Adelaide, 7-11 July, 2002. Adelaide: Australian Society of Animal Production.
Bowen, M. K., McLennan, S. R. and Poppi, D. P. (2001). Rumen fluid dilution rates in cattle grazing tropical pastures. Joint Meeting of the American Dairy Science Assoc, Indianapolis, USA, 24-28 July, 2001. Savoy, Il, USA: American Society of Animal Science.
Barber, D. G., Gobius, N., Hannah, I., Poppi, D. P. and Cant, J. P. (2001). An approach to identifying factors affecting milk protein concentration in dairy cattle. Farm to Fork 2001, Convention Centre, Melbourne, Victoria, 18-20 July, 2001. Melbourne, Victoria: Dairy Industry Association of Australia.
Purdie, N., Trout, D. R., Cant, J. P. and Poppi, D. P. (2000). Mammary responses to short term close arterial infusions of selected amino acide profiles and acetate. From Research to Innovation, A Century of Change, Baltimore, Maryland, 24-28 July, 2000. Illinois: American Dairy Science Association.
Purdie, N., Poppi, D. P. and Cant, J. P. (2000). Changes in plasma ammonia and rumen ammonia and pH in cattle strip grazing ryegrass. Animal Production for a Consuming World, UNSW, Sydney, 3-7 July, 2000. Marrickville, New South Wales: Asian-Australasian Assoc of Animal Production Societies.
Poppi, D. P., Jensen, N., Sheppard, J. A. and Cooper, M. (2000). The digestibility and some associated nutritional parameters of a new wheat cultivar (Seri 82-Aus) and barley (Gilbert) for sheep. 9th Congress of Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies and 23rd Biennial conference of Australian Society of Animal Production, UNSW, Sydney, 3-7 July, 2000. Seoul, South Korea: Asian-Australasian Assoc of Animal Production Societies.
Poppi, D. P., McLennan, S. R., Bediye, S., De Vega, A. and Zorrilla-Rios, J. (1999). Forage quality: Strategies for increasing nutritive value of forages. XVIII International Grassland Congress, Winnepeg and Saskatoon, Canada, June 8-17, 1997. Calgary, Canada: Association Management Cen..
Ellis, W. C., Poppi, D. P., Matis, J. H., Lippke, H., Hill, T.M. and Rouquette Jr, F. M. (1999). Dietary-digestive-metabolic interactions determining the nutritive potential of ruminant diets. Nutritional Ecology of Herbivores, San Antonio, Texas, USA, 11-17 April 1999. Savoy, USA: American Society of Animal Science.
Buchanan, J., Sarac, H. Z., Poppi, D. and Cowan, R. T. (1997). Effects of enzyme addition to canola meal in prawn diets. doi: 10.1016/S0044-8486(96)01478-0
Research Reports
Harper, Karen, Poppi, Dennis, Noviandi, Cuk Tri, Agus, Ali, Gunawan, Quigley, Simon, McCosker, Kieren, Kusmartono, Takdir, Moh., Dahlanuddin, Dahlan, Panjaitan, Tanda, Kasmiyati and Subagio, Achmad (2022). Profitable feeding strategies for smallholder cattle in Indonesia - final report. Final Report Canberra, ACT Australia: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research.
Poppi, Dennis, Silva, Tiago, Quigley, Simon, Kidd, Lisa, Anderson, Stephen, McCosker, Kieren, Mohr-Bell, Rebecca and Schatz, Tim (2018). Target dry season weight gains for weaner heifers. Final Report North Sydney, NSW, Australia: Meat and Livestock Australia.
Waldron, Scott, Dahlanuddin, Mayberry, Dianne, Mulik, Marthen, Quigley, Simon and Poppi, Dennis (2013). Eastern Indonesia agribusiness development opportunities - analysis of beef value chains. A report prepared by Collins Higgins Consulting Group Australia. ACIAR Project AGB-2012-005 Australia: ACIAR.