Dr Dominic Smith

Researcher biography
Dr Dominic Smith has had 28 years of progressively more senior experience in international development, with a concentration on agriculture and rural development, agricultural value chains and marketing, pro-poor development and decentralized finance and planning. Dr Smith's experience has included a variety of roles in academia, research, donor agencies, implementation organization, private sector and NGOs.
Dr. Smith worked at the University of Queensland in a variety of research roles between 1992 and 2000 prior to taking up various roles in international development organizations in the field of rural development in Asia. Since 2000, Dr. Smith has held main leadership roles in progressively larger international teams to successfully implement large scale complex development projects for a variety of donors. This includes management of technical, financial and human resource aspects of projects and programs. The main concentration of these programs has been on agricultural value chains and rural development. Dr Smith has extensive work experience throughout Asia including Philippines, Indonesia, China, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos with a strong track record of sucessful aquisition, implementation and managment of complex programs and projects. Prior to returning to the University of Queensland, Dr. Smith was the team leader for the ADB "Agriculture Science and Technology" project and the DFID supported "Making Markets Work Better for the Poor" project in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, and the Chief Technical Advisor for the SDC supported "Public Service Provision Improvement Program in Agriculture and Rural Development" in Vietnam.
Since returning to the University of Queensland in 2016, Dr. Smith has led a suite of research for development projects supporitng governments and private sector decision making in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Indonesia, Timor-Leste and the Philippines.
Making Value Chains Work Better for the Poor: A Toolbook for Practitioners of Value Chain Analysis, Asian Development Bank. Co-author (1stEdition 2005), Editor/Executive Editor (2nd– 4thEditions 2007-2020). www.valuechains4poor.net
Recent Working Papers and Discussion Papers
Asian Cattle and Beef Trade Working Papers www.asiabeefnetwork.com
Si Zhizhi, Yang Guorong, Scott Waldron, Colin Brown, Dominic Smith (2018) Developments in the China-Myanmar cattle trade,Asian Cattle and Beef Trade Working Paper Number 1, September 2018.
Smith, Dominic, Waldron, Scott, Hieu, Phan Sy and Pham, Luong (2018). Developing a model of live cattle and beef trade in South East Asia and China.Asian Cattle and Beef Trade Working Papers. 3. November 2018.
Cassava Program Discussion Papers www.cassavavaluechains.net
Pham Thi Sen, Dominic Smith, Lava Yadav, Cu Thi Le Thuy, Le Viet Dung, Phan Huy Chuong and Jonathan Newby (2018), ValueChain Analysis, Household Survey and Agronomic Trial Results in Son La, Vietnam,Cassava Program Discussion Paper Number 1, May 2018
Nguyen Van Nam, Dominic Smith, Lava Yadav, Cu Thi Le Thuy, Le Duc Niem, Nguyen Van Minh, Nguyen Van Dat and Jonathan Newby (2018), Value Chain Analysis, Household Survey and Agronomic Trial Results in Dak Lak, Vietnam, Cassava Program Discussion Paper Number 2, May 2018
Dominic Smith, Jonathan Newby and Rob Cramb (2018), Developing value-chain linkages to improve smallholder cassava production in Southeast Asia, Cassava Program Discussion Paper Number 3, May 2018
Wani Hati Utomo, Yudi Widodo, Kartika Noerwijati, Ruly Krisdiana, Suhartini, Erwin Wisnubroto, Dominic Smith, Rob Cramb, Jonathan Newby and Lava Yadav (2018), Value Chain Analysis, Household Survey and Agronomic Trial Results – North Sumatra;Cassava Program Discussion Paper Number 4, July 2018
Vongphaphane Manivong, Laothao Youbee, Phantasin Khanthavong, Dominic Smith, Rob Cramb, Jonathan Newby and Lava Yadav (2018), Value Chain Analysis, Household Survey and Agronomic Trial Results – Lao PDR; Cassava Program Discussion Paper Number 5, July 2018.
Chea Sareth, Dominic Smith, Rob Cramb, Jonathan Newby and Lava Yadav (2018),Value Chain Analysis, Household Survey and Agronomic Trial Results – Cambodia; Cassava Program Discussion Paper Number 6, July 2018.
Wani Hati Utomo, Yudi Widodo, Kartika Noerwijati, Ruly Krisdiana, Suhartini, Erwin Wisnubroto, Dominic Smith, Jonathan Newby, Rob Cramb and Lava Yadav (2018); Value Chain Analysis, Household Survey and Agronomic Trial Results – Sikka;Cassava Program Discussion Paper Number 7, July 2018.
Smith, D., Newby, J., Malik, A. I., Yadav, L. and Cramb, R. (2018), FertiliserUse Patterns of Smallholder Farmers-Implications for Private Sector Involvement in Technology Dissemination; Cassava Program Discussion Paper Number 8, September 2018.
Smith, D., Newby, J., Cu Thi Le Thuy, Yadav, L., Malik, A. I., and Cramb, R. (2018), Smallholder Farmer experience with Cassava related pests and diseases and their view on clean/ certified planting materials; Cassava Program Discussion Paper Number 9, September 2018.
Smith, D., Newby, J., Cu Thi Le Thuy, Yadav, L., Malik, A. I., and Cramb, R. (2018), Smallholder Farmer Use and Sources of Cassava Varieties – Implications for Private Sector Involvement in Technology Dissemination; Cassava Program Discussion Paper Number 10; September 2018.
Lava Yadav, Dominic Smith, Cu Thi Le Thuy and Rob Cramb (2018) Factors Affecting Adoption and Interest in Technologies related to Cassava Production; Cassava Program Discussion Paper Number 11; November 2018.
Tin Maung Aye, Nilar Aung, Thant Lwin Oo, and Dominic Smith (2019) ;Results of Cassava Demonstration Trials in Ayeyarwady Region in 2018; Cassava Program Discussion Paper Number 12, August 2019.
Tin Maung Aye, Nilar Aung, Kyaw Thura, Dominic Smith and Lava Yadav (2019) Results of Cassava Processor Survey in the Ayeyarwady Region of Myanmar in 2018 ; Cassava Program Discussion Paper Number 13, September 2019.
Recent Presentations
Smith, D. and Cooper T. (2020), Socio Ecnomic and Livelihood Impact Assessment of African Swine Fever, paper presented to GF-TADS Meeting for the Pacific, March 2020.
Smith, D., Jong, J. and Cooper, T. (2019), ASF Situation and Potential Socio-Economic Impact; Paper presented to the 3rd Meeting of the Standing Group of Experts on African Swine Fever for Asia , Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, November 2019.
Jonathan Newby, Phanthasin Khanthavong, Laothao Youbee, Saythong Oudthachit, Imran Malik, Vongpaphane Manivong, Phonepaseuth Souvannavong, Dominic Smith (2019) Global markets, local value chains, production systems, and livelihoods of cassava farmers in Lao PDR: Understanding the incentives for sustainable cassava partnerships, NAFRI 20th Anniversary Symposium, April 25th, 2019
Smith, D. (2019), Live Cattle Movements in South East Asia and China, Presentation at the Inception Workshop of the FAO-China South-South Cooperation Project on Transboundary Animal Disease Control in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region, Bangkok, Thailand, February 2019.
Smith, D. and Cramb, R. (2018), Taking Innovation to Scale: Pluralistic Extension Approaches and Smallholder Livelihoods, Paper Presented to Agrifood XXV Conference, 3-5 December 2018, Brisbane, Australia.
Smith, Dominic (2018), Spatial Approaches to Sustainable and Inclusive Development of the Cattle and Beef Industry in South-East Asia and China, Paper Presented to FAO session on "Changing disease landscapes in the Asia Pacific region: beyond risk factor epidemiology", International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics 15 (ISVEE15) , Chiang Mai, Thailand, 12-14 November.
Dominic Smith, Ngo Thi Kim Yen, Vu Xuan Thuy, Samuel Waelty and Andreas Tarnutzer (2018), 'People Know, People Discuss, People Do, People Supervise': Grassroots Democracy in Practice in the Vietnamese Countryside, Paper presented to the Asian Studies Association of Australia Conference, Sydney, Australia, 2-5 July 2018.
Jonathan Newby, Cu Thi Le Thuy and Dominic Smith (2018), Cassava markets, value chains and livelihoods in Asia: when uncertain is the only certainty, GCP21 IVth International Cassava Conference, Contonou, Benin, June 2018.
Smith, Dominic (2018) Live Cattle and Beef Trade Modelling for Sustainable and Inclusive Development of the Cattle and Beef Industry in South-East Asia and China, Presentation to FAO Meeting on International Livestock Modelling, Rome, 22-24 May 2018.
Smith, Dominic (2018), A Framework for analysing incentives for private-sector investment in dissemination of technologies, Research Symposium on Cassava Value Chain Program, Vientiane, Lao PDR, January 15-19, 2018.
Dominic Smith, Jonathan Newby, Cu Thi Le Thuy, Lava Yadav (2017), Cassava production and sustainable livelihoods of smallholders in Son La: Preliminary Results of a Household Survey, Presentation at North-West Vietnam Research Symposium, Hanoi, November 2017
Dominic Smith, Jonathan Newby, Rob Cramb (2017), Developing value-chain linkages to improve smallholder cassava production in Southeast Asia, Paper Presented to the International Tropical Agricultural Conference, Brisbane, November 2017.