Honorary Professor Christopher Grof
Honorary Professor
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
Journal Articles
Pegler, Joseph L., Oultram, Jackson M. J., Grof, Christopher P. L. and Eamens, Andrew L. (2024). DRB1, DRB2 and DRB4 are required for an appropriate miRNA-mediated molecular response to osmotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25 (23) 12562, 1-25. doi: 10.3390/ijms252312562
Pegler, Joseph L., Oultram, Jackson M. J., Mann, Christopher W. G., Carroll, Bernard J., Grof, Christopher P. L. and Eamens, Andrew L. (2023). Miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements: small DNA transposons that have contributed to plant MICRORNA gene evolution. Plants, 12 (5) 1101, 1-30. doi: 10.3390/plants12051101
Jackson, M. A., Rae, A. L., Casu, R. E., Grof, C. P. L., Bonnett, G. D. and Maclean, D. J. (2007). A bioinformatic approach to the identification of a conserved domain in a sugarcane legumain that directs GFP to the lytic vacuole. Functional Plant Biology, 34 (7), 633-644. doi: 10.1071/FP07024
Sivitz, Alicia B., Reinders, Anke, Johnson, Meghan E., Krentz, Anthony D., Grof, Christopher P.L., Perroux, Jai M. and Ward, John M. (2007). Arabidopsis sucrose transporter AtSUC9. High-affinity transport activity, intragenic control of expression, and early flowering mutant phenotype. Plant Physiology, 143 (1), 188-198. doi: 10.1104/pp.106.089003
Remans, Tony, Grof, Christopher P. L., Ebert, Paul R. and Schenk, Peer M. (2005). Functional promoter analysis using an approach based on an in vitro evolution strategy. Biotechniques, 38 (2), 209-216. doi: 10.2144/05382ST01
Remans, T., Grof, C. P. L., Ebert, P. R. and Schenk, P. M. (2005). Identification of functional sequences in the pregenomic RNA promoter of the Banana streak virus Cavendish strain (BSV-Cav). Virus Research, 108 (1-2), 177-186. doi: 10.1016/j.virusres.2004.09.005
Schenk, P. M., Remans, T., Sagi, L., Elliott, A. R., Dietzgen, R. G., Swennen, R., Ebert, P. R., Grof, C. P. L. and Manners, J. M. (2001). Promoters for pregenomic RNA of banana streak badnavirus are active for transgene expression in monocot and dicot plants. Plant Molecular Biology, 47 (3), 399-412. doi: 10.1023/A:1011680008868