Emeritus Professor John Longworth
Emeritus Professor
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability

Brown, Colin G., Waldron, Scott A., Longworth, John W., 赵玉田 Yutian, Zhao and 黄向阳 Xiangyang, Huang (2009). Sustainable development in Western China: Managing people, livestock and grasslands in pastoral areas. 中国西部草原可持续发展研究: 管理牧区人口、草场和牲畜系统. Beijing, China: China Agricultural Publishing House.
Brown, C. G., Waldron, S. A. and Longworth, J. W. (2008). Sustainable Development in Western China: Managing people, livestock and grasslands in pastoral areas. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Waldron, S., Brown, C. G., Longworth, J. and Zhang, C. G. (2007). China's Livestock Revolution : agribusiness and policy developments in the sheep meat sector. United Kingdom: CAB International.
Brown, Colin G., Waldron, Scott A. and Longworth, John (2005). Modernizing China's Industries: Lessons from wool and wool textiles. First ed. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar. doi: 10.4337/9781781958148
Longworth, J., Brown, C. G. and Waldron, S. (2003). Beef in China: Agribusiness Opportunities and Challenges. 1st ed. Beijing, China: China Agricultural Publishing House.
Waldron, S., Brown, C. G. and Longworth, J. (2003). Rural Development in China: Insights from the Beef Industry. 1st ed. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate. doi: 10.4324/9781315199245
Brown, Colin G., Longworth, John W. and Waldron, Scott A. (2002). Regionalisation and Integration in China: Lessons from the transformation of the beef industry. 1st ed. London, United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.4324/9781315189628
Longworth, J., Brown, C. G. and Waldron, S. (2001). Beef In China: Agribusiness opportunities and challenges. 1 ed. St Lucia: University of Queensland Press.
Book Chapters
Brown, Colin G., Waldron, Scott A. and Longworth, John W. (2014). A diachronic analysis of the beef industry. The Political Economy of Agro-Food Markets in China: The Social Construction of the Markets in an Era of Globalization. (pp. 127-151) edited by Louis Augustin-Jean and Björn Alpermann. Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1057/9781137277954.0013
Brown, Colin G., Waldron, Scott A. and Longworth, John W. (2014). Drivers and dynamics of the Chinese wool market. The Political Economy of Agro-Food Markets in China: The Social Construction of the Markets in an Era of Globalization. (pp. 210-235) edited by Louis Augustin-Jean and Björn Alpermann. Basingstoke, Hampshire, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1057/9781137277954.0017
Waldron, Scott, Brown, Colin and Longworth, John (2011). The role of the state in modernizing China's fine wool marketing sector. Politics and markets in rural China. (pp. 137-152) edited by Bjorn Alpermann. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203814888
Longworth, J. W., Brown, C. G. and Waldron, S. A. (2010). Chinese Sheep and Wool Industries. The International Sheep and Wool Handbook. (pp. 113-152) edited by D. J. Cottle. Nottingham, UK: Nottingham University Press.
Finch, B. M. and Longworth, J. (2000). The new development of Beef Market in Hong Kong. Economic Aspects of the Beef and Cattle Industry in China. (pp. 93-109) edited by Liu Yuman. Beijing: Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Press.
Brown, C. G., Waldron, S. and Longworth, J. (2000). Rangeland Degradaion, Beef Industry Development and Regional Development in the Pastoral Regions of China. Economic aspects of the beef and cattle industry in China. (pp. 35-56) edited by Yuman, Lui. Beijing: Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Press.
Longworth, J. (2000). Beef and Beef Offal Markets in the Eastern Region of China. Economic Aspects of the Beef and Cattle Industry in China. (pp. 110-121) edited by Lui Yuman. Beijing: Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Press.
Cai, H., Brown, C. G. and Longworth, J. (1999). A demand analysis of ruminant-meat, pork and poultry-meat by urban Chinese households segmented by three income strata. Chinese Economy: Towards the 21st Century. (pp. 145-160) edited by Zhang-Yue Zhou, John Chudleigh, Guang-Hua Wan and Gordon MacAulay. Sydney: Department of Agricultural Economics, The University of Sydney.
Journal Articles
Longworth, John W. (2016). Comment 1 on 'Agricultural Adjustment' by Edwards and Bates. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 60 (4), 590-591. doi: 10.1111/1467-8489.12177
Longworth, John W., Brown, Colin G. and Waldron, Scott A. (2012). Policy intelligence: the key to doing business in the agricultural sector of China. Agricultural Science, 24 (1), 22-22.
Longworth, John W., Brown, Colin G. and Waldron, Scott A. (2012). Tapping the new frontier: China's "Develop the West" programs. Australia-China Business Insight, 2 (1), 21-21.
Waldron , Scott, Brown, Colin and Longworth, John (2011). Agricultural modernization and state capacity in China. The China Journal, 66 (66), 119-142. doi: 10.1086/tcj.66.41262810
Brown, Colin, Waldron, Scott and Longworth, John (2011). Specialty products, rural livelihoods and agricultural marketing reforms in China. China Agricultural Economic Review, 3 (2), 224-244. doi: 10.1108/17561371111131335
Waldron, Scott, Brown, Colin and Longworth, John (2010). A critique of high-value supply chains as a means of modernising agriculture in China: The case of the beef industry. Food Policy, 35 (5), 479-487. doi: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2010.05.005
Waldron, Scott, Brown, Colin and Longworth, John (2010). Grassland degradation and livelihoods in China's western pastoral region: A framework for understanding and refining China's recent policy responses. China Agricultural Economic Review, 2 (3), 298-320. doi: 10.1108/17561371011078435
Brown, Colin, Waldron, Scott, Liu, Yuman and Longworth, John (2009). Forage-livestock policies designed to improve livelihoods in Western China: a critical review. China Agricultural Economic Review, 1 (4), 367-381. doi: 10.1108/17561370910989220
Brown, Colin, Waldron Scott, Longworth, John and Zhao, Yutian (2009). Improving managerial capacity and economic viability in Chinese wool textile mills. Journal of Strategic Management Education, 5 (2)
Waldron, S., Brown, C. and Longworth, J. (2006). State sector reform and agriculture in China. China Quarterly, 186 (186), 277-294. doi: 10.1017/S0305741006000154
Brown, C. G., Waldron, S. and Longworth, J. (2005). Rural Development in China: Industry policy, regionalism, integration and scale. International Journal of Social Economics, 32 (1/2), 17-33. doi: 10.1108/03068290510575612
Brown, Colin G., Longworth, John W. and Waldron, Scott (2002). Food safety and development of the beef industry in China. Food Policy, 27 (3), 269-284. doi: 10.1016/S0306-9192(02)00017-9
Brown, C. G., Longworth, J. and Waldron, S. (2002). Food Quality Safety and the Development of the Chinese Beef Industry. Chinese Rural Economy, 209 (5), 33-40.
Brown, C. G., Waldron, S. and Longworth, J. (2000). Zhonguo Bannong Banmuqu Roumiage Fozhan de Jiyu Tiaozlan - Zhelimu meng he Chenjde Diqu de Anli Yanjiu (Opportunities and challenges to development of the beef and cattle industry in semi agricultural, semi pastoral regions in China). Zhongguo Mongcun Jingi (Chinese Rural Economy), 2000 (9), 44-50.
Brown, C. G., Waldron, S. and Longworth, J. (2000). China's Rangeland Law and Implications of the Expansion of the Beef Cattle Industry for Sustainable Development in Pastoral Areas. Japanese Journal of Rural Economics, 2, 1-13. doi: 10.18480/jjre.2.1
Conference Papers
Brown, Colin G., Waldron, Scott A. and Longworth, John W. (2013). Adaptation to changing institutional, market and bio-physical environments: the case of China's grasslands. IGC2013: 22nd International Grassland Congress, Darling Harbour, NSW, Australia, 15-19 September, 2013. Sydney, NSW, Australia: NSW Department of Primary Industries.
Longworth, J. W., Brown, C. G. and Waldron, S. A. (2011). Remember the Wool Industry?. 55th Annual Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society Conference, Melbourne, February 7-10, 2011.
Scott Waldron, Colin Brown and John Longworth (2009). The capacity of the State to modernise Chinese agriculture: the case of fine wool marketing. 9th European Conference on Agriculture and Rural Development in China, Leeds, UK, 3-5 April 2009.
Waldron, S. A., Brown, C. G. and Longworth, J. W. (2009). China’s Agricultural Modernisation Program: an assessment of its sustainability and impacts in the case of the high-value beef chain. XXVII International Conference of Agricultural Economists (IAAE2009), Beijing, China, 16-22 August 2009. University of Minnesota, St Paul: AgEcon Search.
Waldron, S. A., Brown, C. G. and Longworth, J. W. (2008). An assessment of China's approach to grassland degradation and livelihood problems in the pastoral region. Assessment of Western China Development and Future Prospects: The 5th Annual Conference of the Consortium for Western China Development Studies, Xian, China, 22-24 July, 2008.
Brown, C., Waldron, S., Longworth, J. and Zhao, Y. (2006). Improving the economic decision making capability and viability of Chinese wool textile mills. 26th Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), Gold Coast, Australia, 12-18 August 2006. AgEcon Search Database and CD ROM: International Association of Agricultural Economists.
Waldron, Scott, Brown, Colin and Longworth, John (2006). The Integration of Rural Households Into Ruminant Livestock Industries in China. 26th Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), Gold Coast, Australia, 12-18 August 2006. AgEcon search database and CD ROM: International Association of Agricultural Economists.
Longworth, John, Brown, Colin and Waldron, Scott (2005). Features of the wool industry in China. Sino-Australian Technical Workshop on Wool, Beijing, China, 10 April, 2005.
Waldron, S., Brown, C. G. and Longworth, J. (2003). Transforming Lives with Livestock-Based Agri-Business. ATSE Crawford Fund 2003 Annual Conference, Parliament House, Canberra, 13 August 2003. Canberra: The ATSE Crawford Fund.
Generic Document
Brown, C. G., Longworth, J. W. and Waldron, S. A. (2005). Chinese wool textile mills: Economic analysis of fibre-input/textile-product selection and new processing technologies. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research ( ACIAR).
Department Technical Reports
Zhao, Y. T., Brown, C. G., Waldron, S. A., Longworth, J. W. and Li, P. (2005). Zhonguo fangzhi qiye jingji guanli juece fenxi fangfa. ACIAR Technical Reports, 60a. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Canberra..
Longworth, John, Brown, Colin and Waldron, Scott (2005). Domestic wool marketing in China: A report prepared for Australian Wool Innovation Ltd. The University of Queensland; China Agricultural Ecoomics Group ( CAEG), St Lucia,.
Brown, C. G., Waldron, S., Longworth, J. and Zhao, Y. (2005). Building Economic Decision Making Capabilities of Chinese Wool Textile Mills. ACIAR Technical Report, 60. School of Integrative Systems, The University of Queensland.
Research Reports
Longworth, J., Brown, C. G. and Waldron, Scott (2004). Chinese Domestic Wool Production. Brisbane: China Agricultural Economics Group, The University of Qld.
Brown, C. G., Waldron, Scott, Longworth, J. and Zhao, Y. (2004). CAEGWOOL Manual. Brisbane: China Agricultural Economics Group, The University of Qld.
Working Papers
Brown, C. G., Waldron, S. A. and Longworth, J. W. (2003). Analysis of Chinese wool prices. CAEG Working Paper series. 01/2003. China Agricultural Economics Group, The University of Queensland.
Brown, C. G., Waldron, S. A. and Longworth, J. W. (2003). CAEGWOOL. CAEG Working Paper series. 02/2003. China Agricultural Economics Group, The University of Queensland.
Brown, C. G., Waldron, S. A. and Longworth, J. W. (2003). Estimation of product cost coefficients for Chinese wool textile mills. CAEG Working Paper series. 03/03. China Agricultural Economics Group, The University of Queensland.
Zhao, Y.J., Brown, C. G., Waldron, Scott and Longworth, J. (2003). Estimation of yield coefficients in Chinese wool textile mills. CAEG Working Papers. 04/03. School of Natural and Rural Systems Management, University of Queensland.