Kuma Ranathungamage

- M.Sc. (Environmental Soil Science) 2014 : University of Peradeniya (Sri Lanka) B.Sc Agriculture Sp. Hons 2010 (University of Ruhuna) Sri Lanka
Ranathungamage P.C.K., Gunarathne G.P and Walpola B.C (2018), Characterization and Categorization of Benched-marked soil series in the Tea growing areas of Sri Lanka, in relation to Potassium (K) dynamics. International Journal of Contemporary Applied Research, Volume 05, No 09, Page No 165-185
Ranathungamage PCK, Hemachandra P, Hewagamage P, Ethugala D (2020), Nephrotoxic herbal medicines used in Sri Lanka, International Journal of Contemporary Applied Research Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2020. page 55-70
Ranathungamage P.C.K. (2020), Concepts of Virtual Water and Water Footprint in global perspectives. International Journal of Contemporary Applied Research. (ISSN:), Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2020 Page 71-84
Ranathungamage K and Ranagalage A.S., (2012), Soil Moisture Conservation Strategies in Coconut Lands. ISBN:978-955-54597-0-9
Ranathungamage K, Gajanaike S, and Mathew A (2011), Overview of Production Aspects and Sales of Coconut, News Letter-2011, L.J.M. Peiris & Co. Ltd, 61/5, Dharmapala Mawatha, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka, ISSN: 2012-9963 Hemachandra P.1, Hewagamage P.1, Ethugala D.N.1, Ranathungamage K.2 (2012), Usage of Nephrotoxic Herbal Medicines and Their Impacts on the Prevailing CKDu Increase in Sri Lanka, The National Ayurveda Research Conference 2012 - Sri Lanka. 20th January 2012. P. 35.
Ranathungamage P.C.K, Gunarathne G.P and Walpola B.C. (2010), Characterization of Bench-Marked Soil Series in the Tea Growing Areas of Sri Lanka in Relation to Potassium (K) Dynamics. International Symposium for Sustainable Agriculture-2010, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Mapalana, Kamburupitiya. Sri Lanka. P. 144
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