Dr Chanyarat Paungfoo-Lonhienne

Researcher biography
I obtained my Bachelor of Science at Prince of Songkla University (PSU, Thailand) and received a Royal Golden Jubilee PhD Scholarship from the Thailand Research Fund to carry out my PhD in the field of microbial molecular biology in wastewater treatment at PSU in collaboration with the University of Queensland (UQ). I completed my PhD in 2004 and started my postdoctoral research career in 2005 in the research area of the uptake of organic nutrients by plants. In 2012, my research has spanned from plant nutrition to environmental microbes and plants, and the interactions between these organisms. It is recognised that the knowledge of plant-microbe interactions is limited with many important questions remaining unanswered largely due to the difficulty of studying these interactions in soils. Interactions and processes between plants and microbes can occur rapidly without leaving tangible metabolic or other fingerprints that would allow unravelling these complex interactions. Functional studies and high-resolution transcriptomic analysis were used here to characterise this association.