Pachas, Anibal Nahuel Alejandro , Jacobo, Elizabeth J. and Lacorte, Santiago Maria (2013). Graminea y leguminosas para ser usadas en Sistemas Silvopastoriles. Spain: Editorial Académica Española.
Book Chapters
Colcombet, Luis, Esquivel, Jorge I., Fassola, Hugo E., Goldfarb, María Cristina, Lacorte, Santiago M., Pachas, Nahuel, Rossner, Belén and Winck, Rosa A. (2015). Los sistemas silvopastoriles en las provincias de Misiones y Corrientes, Argentina. Sistemas agroforestales: funciones productivas, socioeconómicas y ambientales. (pp. 105-129) edited by Florencia Montagnini, Eduardo Somarriba, Enrique Murgueitio, Hugo Fassola and Beatriz Eibl. Turrialba, Costa Rica: CATIE.
Pachas, Anibal Nahuel Alejandro, Rohatsch, Pablo and Fassola, Hugo (2012). Comportamiento agronómico de la especie Pachyrhizus ahipa en la Provincia de Misiones (Argentina). Pachyrhizus ahipa revalorización de un cultivo ancestral. (pp. 22-53) edited by Olivia Lopez, Maria Alejandra Garcia and Sonia Viña. Spain: Editorial Académica Española.
Journal Articles
McDonald, Sarah E., Badgery, Warwick, Clarendon, Simon, Orgill, Susan, Sinclair, Katrina, Meyer, Rachelle, Butchart, Dominique Bowen, Eckard, Richard, Rowlings, David, Grace, Peter, Doran-Browne, Natalie, Harden, Steven, Macdonald, Ainslie, Wellington, Michael, Pachas, Anibal Nahuel Alejandro, Eisner, Rowan, Amidy, Martin and Harrison, Matthew Tom (2023). Grazing management for soil carbon in Australia: A review. Journal of Environmental Management, 347 119146, 1-16. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.119146
Srivastava, Sanjeev Kumar, Seng, Kah Phooi, Ang, Li Minn, Pachas, Anibal ‘Nahuel’ A. and Lewis, Tom (2022). Drone-based environmental monitoring and image processing approaches for resource estimates of private native forest. Sensors, 22 (20) 7872, 1-14. doi: 10.3390/s22207872
Huynh, Trinh, Lewis, Tom, Applegate, Grahame, Pachas, Anibal Nahuel A. and Lee, David J. (2022). Allometric equations to estimate aboveground biomass in spotted gum (Corymbia citriodora Subspecies variegata) plantations in Queensland. Forests, 13 (3) 486, 486. doi: 10.3390/f13030486
Lewis, Tom, Menzies, Tracey and Pachas, Anibal Nahuel (2021). Fire regime has a greater impact than selective timber harvesting on vegetation in a sub-tropical Australian eucalypt forest. Forests, 12 (11) 1478, x. doi: 10.3390/f12111478
Huynh, Trinh, Applegate, Grahame, Lewis, Tom, Pachas, Anibal Nahuel A., Hunt, Mark A., Bristow, Mila and Lee, David J. (2021). Species-specific allometric equations for predicting belowground root biomass in plantations: case study of spotted gums (Corymbia citriodora subspecies variegata) in Queensland. Forests, 12 (9) 1210, 1210. doi: 10.3390/f12091210
Pachas, Anibal Nahuel Alejandro, Newby, Jonathan C., Siphommachan, Phonekham, Sakanphet, Somphanh and Dieters, Mark J. (2020). Broom grass in Lao PDR: a market chain analysis in Luang Prabang Province. Forests, Trees and Livelihoods, 29 (2), 1-18. doi: 10.1080/14728028.2020.1722259
Pachas, A. N. A., Sakanphet, S., Midgley, S. and Dieters, M. (2019). Teak (Tectona grandis) silviculture and research: applications for smallholders in Lao PDR. Australian Forestry, 82 (S1), 94-105. doi: 10.1080/00049158.2019.1610215
Pachas, A. Nahuel A., Sakanphet, Somphanh, Soukkhy, Outhai, Lao, Maichor, Savathvong, Sianouvong, Newby, Jonathan C., Souliyasack, Bounkieng, Keoboualapha, Bounthanh and Dieters, Mark J. (2019). Initial spacing of teak (Tectona grandis) in northern Lao PDR: impacts on the growth of teak and companion crops. Forest Ecology and Management, 435, 77-88. doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2018.12.031
Shelton, Max and Pachas, Nahuel (2019). Preamble. Tropical Grasslands-Forrajes Tropicales, 7 (2), VI-VI.
Pachas, A. Nahuel A., Shelton, H. Max, Lambrides, Christopher J., Dalzell, Scott A., Murtagh, G. John and Hardner, Craig M. (2018). Effect of tree density on competition between Leucaena leucocephala and Chloris gayana using a Nelder Wheel trial. II. belowground interactions. Crop and Pasture Science, 69 (7), 733-744. doi: 10.1071/CP18040
Pachas, A. Nahuel A., Shelton, H. Max, Lambrides, Christopher J., Dalzell, Scott A. and Murtagh, G. John (2018). Effect of tree density on competition between Leucaena leucocephala and Chloris gayana using a Nelder Wheel trial. I. Aboveground interactions. Crop and Pasture Science, 69 (4), 419-429. doi: 10.1071/CP17311
Pachas, A. Nahuel A., Shelton, H. Max, Lambrides, Christopher J., Dalzell, Scott A., MacFarlane, David C. and Murtagh, John (2016). Water use, root activity and deep drainage within a perennial legume-grass pasture: A case study in southern inland Queensland, Australia. Tropical Grasslands - Forrajes Tropicales, 4 (3), 129-138. doi: 10.17138/TGFT(4)129-138
Pachas, A. N. A. , Jacobo, E. J. , Goldfarb, M. C. and Lacorte, S. M. (2014). Response of Axonopus catarinensis and Arachis pintoi to shade conditions. Tropical Grasslands-Forrajes Tropicales, 2 (1), 111-112. doi: 10.17138/tgft(2)111-112
Frey, Gregory E., Fassola, Hugo E., Pachas, A. Nahuel, Colcombet, Luis, Lacorte, Santiago M., Renkow, Mitch, Perez, Oscar and Cubbage, Frederick W. (2012). A within-farm efficiency comparison of silvopasture systems with conventional pasture and forestry in northeast Argentina. Land Economics, 88 (4), 639-657. doi: 10.3368/le.88.4.639
Cubbage, Frederick, Balmelli, Gustavo, Bussoni, Adriana, Noellemeyer, Elke, Pachas, Anibal N., Fassola, Hugo, Colcombet, Luis, Rossner, Belen, Frey, Gregory, Dube, Francis, Lopes de Silva, Marcio, Stevenson, Hayley, Hamilton, James and Hubbard, William (2012). Comparing silvopastoral systems and prospects in eight regions of the world. Agroforestry Systems, 86 (3), 303-314. doi: 10.1007/s10457-012-9482-z
Frey, Gregory E., Fassola, Hugo E., Pachas, A. Nahuel, Colcombet, Luis, Lacorte, Santiago M., Perez, Oscar, Renkow, Mitch, Warren, Sarah T. and Cubbage, Frederick W. (2012). Perceptions of silvopasture systems among adopters in northeast Argentina. Agricultural Systems, 105 (1), 21-32. doi: 10.1016/j.agsy.2011.09.001
Lopez, Olivia V., Vina, Sonia Z., Pachas, Anibal N. A., Sisterna, Marina N., Rohatsch, Pablo H., Mugridge, Alicia, Fassola, Hugo E. and Garcia, Maria A. (2010). Composition and food properties of Pachyrhizus ahipa roots and starch. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 45 (2), 223-233. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2621.2009.02125.x
Fassola, Hugo E., Lacorte, Santiango, Pachas, Anibal Nahuel Alejandro and Pezzuti, Raul (2005). Factores que influencian la producción de biomasa forrajera de Axonopus jesuiticus Valls, bajo dosel de Pinus taeda L. en el nordeste de Corrientes. RIA. Revista de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, 34 (3), 21-38.
Conference Papers
Radrizzani, Alejandro, Pachas, Nahuel A., Gandara, Luis, Nenning, Fernando and Pueyo, Dante (2019). Leucaena feeding systems in Argentina. II. Current uses and future research priorities. International Leucaena Conference (ILC), Brisbane, Australia, 29 October - 3 November 2018. Cali, Colombia: International Center for Tropical Agriculture. doi: 10.17138/TGFT(7)389-396
Pachas, Nahuel A., Radrizzani, Alejandro, Murgueitio, Enrique, Uribe, Fernando, Zapata Cadavid, Alvaro, Chara, Julian, Ruiz, Tomas E., Escalante, Eduardo, Mauricio, Rogerio M. and Ramirez-Aviles, Luis (2019). Establishment and management of leucaena in Latin America. International Leucaena Conference (ILC), Brisbane, QLD Australia, 29 October - 3 November 2018. Valle del Cauca, Colombia: International Center for Tropical Agriculture - CIAT. doi: 10.17138/TGFT(7)127-132
Radrizzani, Alejandro, Pachas, Nahuel A., Gandara, Luis, Goldfarb, Cristina, Perticari, Alejandro, Lacorte, Santiago and Pueyo, Dante (2019). Leucaena feeding systems in Argentina. I. Five decades of research and limitations for adoption. International Leucaena Conference (ILC), Brisbane, QLD Australia, 29 October -3 November 2018. Valle del Cauca, Colombia: International Center for Tropical Agriculture. doi: 10.17138/TGFT(7)381-388
Fassola, H. E, Lacorte, S. M., Pachas, A. N., Goldfarb, C., Esquivel, J., Colcombet, L., Crechi, E. H., Keller, A. and Barth, S. R. (2009). Los sistemas silvopastoriles en la región subtropical del NE argentino. XIII Congreso Forestal Mundial, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 18-25 October 2009. Buenos Aires, Argentina: FAO.
Pachas, Anibal Nahuel Alejandro (2017). A study of water use in leucaena-grass systems. PhD Thesis, School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/uql.2017.621